Finished Folds (841—860)
4thought it didn't quite match his gold teeth. Mother was more forgiving of fashion no-nos than I was then - or ever will be. Some of us care; some don't. Me? I don't care for those
2sauerkraut. The stench was unbelievable - even to his not-good-as-a-Canadian Russian hockey player's broken nose. He sat there holding the sauerkraut not know what the polite thing
3his fondness for spandex was merely dressing up at comic book conventions and for science fiction fandom. It wasn't. He'd been wearing tights on and off since that first day of
4head butt the squirrel again. The damned thing was too fast as WHAM, he rammed his head into the tree again. Maybe it was brain damage, but he could swear the squirrels were
3played for hours until the crowd had cried out their last tears. His minions were busy mopping up those tears from the floor. They would come in handy later. But as for now,
1those unfortunate few who were blinded by eye lacerations as the shells ripped through their corneas like Oprah Winfrey into a bag of Ruffles when Dr. Oz wasn't looking. The others
3shots and I'm as pliable as a hooker at 3 a.m. during fleet week. The look in his eyes reminded me of Rodney - the one who got away. He kept talking me up. I nodded, pretending
3Sandusky, Ohio, where most people don't have all their teeth - let alone speak fluent Hawaiian. "Aloha" might as well meant, "I'm different from you - beat me up" to the assembled
2stanks. The room fulled with the sickening aroma of tuna melt gone bad. "I knew it was you, Lindsay Lohan," she said choking back a heave, " I could smell your nasty crotch from
3to vomit at the sight of my own red hair and rash-red face. I took to dying my hair brown and wearing make-up around the house to conceal my deformity. If only I could
2The two-legged quarry was sloppy with fear and stumbled while fleeing. It was almost laughable how easy this kill was going to be. The scent of fear was in the air, a sweet, sweet
5Mother loved freshly bruised spleen - as long as it wasn't ruptured. Mother was kept in the basement, tied with a rope to the boiler so she wouldn't harm the family again.
1I promised myself I'd never let a man do that sort of thing to me again. It's just not right.
3it was water stained and dog-eared from mishandling over the years. That killed the resale value - it was barely a reader's copy. But I still wanted it; no, I needed it.
2tell-all book. Damned brats were playing in his yard one time too many. So, he reached into his
3are invisible. This is a skill I have not yet mastered; like putting your elbow in your ear.
4do. Hope is, sometime, all humanity has that proves self-awareness. Other than that, we might as well be mindless amoebas.
2out that she was actually destined to be a creature slayer and had adequte trainng, preferably by a hot guy, on how to kill the shambling monsters infesting the school hallways.
0Chose not to, as opponents often do.
4scrapbooking. The worst part of reverse aging like Benjamin Button is your spouse will eventually be accused of being a child molestor unless you divorce before you become a tween