Finished Folds (3721—3740)
2Find out they are like these legendary parallel plants with black leaves that whistle and disintegrate when you touch them. Poof! That leaves the Great Liar as the most vulnerable
2Wolfman Jack in the gazebo, where they read The Onion together. A good laugh never hurt anyone, he said. Gia agreed. That was how they stayed sane in this upside down world.
2The Finlandia mountains and the Northern Frontier of Lakeland at 50 mph. The cat loved the ride, I could te,ll. She purred away as she stayed on my shoulder. A UFO came for us.
2And he called King Crimson for advice. Queen Crimson answered, "Oh, dear. Someone farted again. When the toilet hears that, it burbles. Or it used to. Mr. Plumber was on a house
1Freddie Mercury reincarnated as Queen Bee? It was entirely possible with new technology. Freddie sang "Killer Queen" as the pterodactyl approached. All hell broke loose, as they
1Ladyhawk squawking while waiting for her lover, so loudly she woke the neighbours up. The noise police were called but couldn't do anything because she was not human. Thankfully,
2Would have imagined dogmen having a colony established deep within the forest and not bothering humans? Why would humans go there anyway? Dr. Dog, the colony's leader, was
4Kind of body structure is that? Dr. Cbfygff was an entymologist called in to investigate by the radiation police, who hailed from Fukushima. They didn't want to be blamed for the
2The moths did not want to be disturbed while nesting. The larvae were furious, hence Gus the gray wolf was attacked. Mrs. Wolf warned him. "Maybe now you will heed my advice", she
3Mr. Wolf had turtle soup at Binyon's. "Bloody hiccups!", he told Mrs. Wolf, who had a lovely red fur coat. His was grey. Both had lovely looking tails, which they took good care of
5Everyone started to sneeze from pixie dust. It smelled like Limberger cheese and my grandfather had a craving for it. He looked for the invisible cheese, relentlessly whilst the
1Was dressed in seventeenth century gear and used a quill pen, making the modern pens jealous. There were stores closing right and left, making it a ghost town. Dr. Tart quipped to
1Found a pair of chili pepper pants and had an itch for jalapenos or habaneros, so he went to Joe Caputo and Sons. He was looking throughthe remnants of the red hoy chilis when
3Translated into English, that is "The sidewinder sleeps tonight and Dr. Seuss is on the loose. The payphones no longer work because they were side-jacked by some jungle cats who
3Uncle Johann commented, "That tells you what they learned at school, but the Transylvanian schools are far better." I agreed. The ubiquitous smartphone is addictive and thats all
1They were to meet at the Star Club to see Sick Dick and The Volkswagens perform. They had their own record label, Cockroach. Its logo was Gregor Samsa.
2This factory manufactured dirigibles, digeridoos and dollops. It was always busy. Dirigibles were back after the airlines collapsed. Dirigibles ran on cow dung, reducing carbon.
1Hesitate to take these cases on. They made good folding stories! Indeed, this was what happened.but I digress...a secret agent had all expenses paid. Food, hotels, Transit, etc.
2Horace The Brave and his staff went on opening night. The Jester played the slot machines for the first time and won 56,237 dram.
3Honkie The Clown became the clown used by Clown Shoes Distillery, and featured on the infamous Clown Shoes Lubricant beer next to a gas pump on the packaging. Someone had a sense