Finished Folds (361—380)
3And all its globalist bulls##t agendas. Once tbe Vatican was abolished, in 2167, the pope was I'm ordinaryvman and became more like a zen monk. The world was peaceful once more.
1Green Mill to see Jimmy Jazz perform "he"s a jelly roll baker now" and "selling my pork chops", among other classic tunes heard nowhere else." Jimmy Jazz was now 102 years
3The typewriter was found by the grammar police and I was likewise declared innocent. Whew! A social justice warrier could do untold damage to Professor Ckdfstjdd and hidt plan to
1Whilst the tube of Medac and the Odorono were being delivered by Amazon and arrived just in time for us to present ourselves that night at dinner. We were eaten alive.
1Having a garden of vegetables so we need not Have much spending at Walmart no sgirt, no shoes, no setvics- we understood. Henrik bought us fur coats to wear in winter. Perfectly
2The cat went under my bed and brought out a rarely seen black and white mouse, with a bell. We played with that all night since I couldn't get to sleep.
1Prepared the Donutmobile for the next day's business. Captain Cruller was hired to drive the vehicle on Higjway 61to its assigned location in the business district. A per
1It sang that relief us only a swallow away. Sir William Swallow swallowed the winged biscuits coming out of the air at the heliport site. The nurses swam naked underneath to relax
1Golden Fluffo shortening finally arrived from Walmart Canada, I could finally make the fkaming pie I promised the sponsors of my you tube channel. They happily swallowed it whole.
4To his feetcand, "Did I just fart? So sorry, my dear." Too many Mexican jumping beans make the bravest man flatulent, the Princess reminded her red haired leprechaun lover.
3Better taste than Jay-Z's latest line of jeans and t-shirts for rappers. It happened the worst of the useful idiots were the first to catch this flu, for which there was no vaccine
3Ion given the golden horse he was on. This was no ordinary horse. Mr. Ed was given a permanent home in the old barn. Nothing like rescuing a stray horse in the year 2157.
2The food they could forage was there for the taking. There were aronia berries, avacados, and more. It was enough to make the best Christmas feast ever. They lived another 15 years
0An alternative to Lollapalooza, where the audience showed off their Russian jerseys and draped themselves in Mexican flags. They got so drunk that they were kicked out of the bars
3John Lennon was #9 and was having a number 9 dream when Three Quarters appeared wearing a cat mask. The omelette was eaten alive by unsuspecting Lollapalooza concert goers. When a
2Ck from Lollapalooza. It will change your life, and not necessarily for the better. The moral of this story is the Space of No Reason is Dyonesian by nature an Morpheus lives there
3He imagined a red dot just focused on the spot, cutting through the plaster until it crumbled into 4,395,591 pieces. He was able to escape before the noise police arrived. Whew!
3I was the winner from the last time we played bingo. I sure could use the cash, as I had just paid my rent and was flat broke. The Shadow took off his mask and revealed he was my
1Harald The Pius noticed it and annointed me his official cartographer, despite my miniscule writing and poor spelling of Middle Earth place names. Frodo forgave me!
3Mr. Camel and family came over and asked if she needed a ride. They took her home and left their business cards. Mrs. Camel invited her for dinner the next night and she accepted.