Finished Folds (961—980)
5Of the GMO corn who were singing while farting. The GMO corn was no good, they already knew. It made everyone gassy, whereas the organic corn never did any such thing.
1Ludwig V was stone deaf and refused a hearing aid. Roland knew that the Capuchin monkeys were just superb hunters and climbers, having 5,000 arms and legs.
3King Noah wired money and booked the flights so he could have the coveted "enchanted chalice". The wrapping was so secure that even King Noah had to saw it open. "Good job!', he
2Chased beautiful women in fur coats in his fur lined boots. The Queen was busy at the doctor's office and her entourage had to lift her into the back seat of a van. When she could
2The windows and leaving 12,572,893 shards to clean up. A lot of finger pointing went on and the number of fingers pointed went up exponentially over the next 24 hours. The damage
6A red dress. She fainted, and when 911 arrived, her husband found her dead. He wept and the tears got all over the red dress. He blushed when reading the papers about the story.
3En up." Tom Foolery and his cousin Puck were there to drive me home in their auto rickshaw. I was never so happy in my life! Tom and Puck invited me to dinner at their house. Their
2The violin in the nude, after Nam June Paik and other Fluxus artists tried that. There were only photographs and films of the infamous performance in 1963. Isla was aware of this
2Three years later, Kevin published his first e-book, available on Amazon and Apple. "Teeth in Literature" was illustrated by Dr. Mark and The Sutures, a group of dentists who also
1For his own treatise on teeth in literature, as protection. Judge Judy grabbed the book and said, "Here is art!" as she proceeded to peruse this slim volume. The rope saved Gary's
2Took just 4:38 to get the championship game restarted. The winners were from a part of town that was so poor the schools needed something to make them feel good, for a change. This
3This 1973 green car I drove in high school was rusted and smelled like rotted bananas. Once it burned it no longer was there. I woke up and threw out rotted bananas. Life is weird!
1Of Susans, though no members were named Susan. Susan was the robot his mum hired to do her housework. She was too busy playing guitar, inspired by Ziggy. Their CD was released
2The White Helmets and their rivals the Red Helmets froze like mannequins until the cameraman said "Action!". Robbie The Robot and her fiancée, Manny The Robot, rescued thousands of
4By the modern incarnation of Shanghai Sam, one of the White Dragons. Ben Fulford and I walked the streets of London and ended up fleeing giant rat-dogs. Under the manhole cover, we
3Of the blue gunk shooting out of nowhere. This was no ordinary blue gunk. It was very thick and heavy. I ran home and locked the door. My mum saw the indigo children and the blue
2Was the henchman of the nanomasters union. This was his best job ever, but it was. Just the beginning of an illustrious career programming robots. George Jetson was a coworker of
3Pter 3 of the novel took shape. The pliocene masses were so docile that they could be fed GMO laden junk and not know the difference between that and a hole in the ground. Amazing
5Sack on the corner sit there with a cupful of pennies. Eeyore got the flat after it was rehabbed. Nowadays, everyone does a background check on prospective tenants. Shameful stuff.
2Accustomed to being among the Black Friday zombies, standing in line. Three years after this story was started, the annual Black Friday madness took place, this time with several