Finished Folds (1341—1360)
3The rest is history. That night, the crew ordered pepperoni pizza and gave some to R2D2. Leia ate it reluctantly, being 90% vegetarian. There was no other food in the fridge.
1He ate them. Cats eat anything that is meat. Mungo just sniffed it and said, "you can toss that". Jerry, his brother, sniffed it too. He was not sure. It didn't smell right to them
2It was like 2008 all over again. Shades of bubbles bursting. He had quit reading the newspapers. Too many businesses had shut down over the past year. His was perhaps next.
2Ooled off. But they were still hot. The leaves were falling faster now that it had rained. What to make of it, I thought. I perambulated the neighbourhood as usual and pondered
2Three years later. It was counterproductive. Booooooooooooommmmm! The ambulance roared by and jolted one awake. There was no peace of mind to be found. At least in New Yorkk City.
1And sip some claret to relax. Pope Julius XV was recently installed and getting used to his new surroundings. The furnishings were beautiful. He sipped tea and crumpets. Life was
0Lane and be quiet so some passengers can sleep." I knew I wouldn't sleep. I politely sat down and looked around. The newspapers were handed out for free. A way to pass the time.
5It is all moot now. I had to change the building design to survive earthquakes. The first earthquake proof building in the Kingdom of Onions. I won an award for my work in 2016.
1Of lies that the talking heads on the tellie repeated like robots. She deserved a prize for this and we gave it to her. Jean became a Buddhist nun after that and lived in VietNam.
1Taking sleeping pills, she died and I was free from my bad habits. It was wonderful. My poodle was relieved as well. Ding dong, the witch is dead. We celebrated her death while we
1Nfinite wisdom acquired from Swami Nikhilanda to change her ways and quit the church for his ashram. Now she lived in the Himalyas and only had a radio for news broadcasts. She was
3Perambulate Leicester Square and watch everything, then come home to paint all night. Daily he did this and became a famous painter. His life dream was accomplished, despite being
3The burrough of Sillopshire. They loved to do "Mecca Flat Blues" and the audience loved that song too. It was based on a true story! The Mecca Flats were demolished in 1950.
3Into a poetaster compared to his rival. The post moden era was not kind to him His income went down 29 percent. His expenses including health insurancd rose 62 percent. He was a
3Do better than that?" Eva blushed and before they knew everyone was staring at them. The waiter brought their steak tartare. Being hungry wolves they dove right in and finished it.
3Problem was that, online, they were harder to track down. They were easily disguised. I quit commenting on blogs, as a result. Soon, the comments were shut down! People woke up.
1Ille on their front teeth. The cadillas green colour was very retro and provided solace in these feral times. Christmas 2016 was not your usual Holiday. No way! The red skies were
1As curious how fast she had to run. Now that the errands were done, she could relax for a while. The global reset was inevitable and it happened in 2017. The docile and uninformed
0R nose, you will sneeze ten times. Dr. Sardonicus predicted that in his sixth dream. Pathetic, isn't it? Uncle John and I spoke for a whole afternoon over tea and crumpets. Rainy
3Lasticene creatures don't just magically appear. We create them. Look at Hannah Montana and who she became. Bloody twerking and pansexuality! Talk about Hypernormality." Walt said,