Finished Folds (161—180)
5"Can't I just be a four? You know--4. All that other nonsense, with one and one and one and one, makes me dizzier than a woodpecker stuck to the front of the tilt-a-whirl ride."
11Well. . .not miserable enough to make Trump stop communicating to the world via Twitter. He probably sits on the John all night long, passing horrid gas, and twittering about his
5three times on Sunday. Yes, on a day of rest, the Little Sisters of Violence kept the weapon cleaned and in the ready. . .nobody knew exactly when they would kill again!
5instinctively because he was a hunter, not because of uncontrollable hate or lust. He was an animal by night, and a human by day. . .he wanted to be human, but he didn't know how.
5dung. . .I mean--done! Sorry. . .I just couldn't get the vision of both Mili and Vanili getting simultaneous enemas out of my mind. It's as if my mind had been scarred for life
9So, I kidnapped my friend, drove him as far into the middle of nowhere as I could, and dropped him off, blindfolded. The very next day he was in my backyard grilling wieners and
4After that, her clothes started getting too small; she had to give everything to Goodwill...Sharon Goodwill...who had the largest breasts and buttocks implants on the planet!
2the service rep ran into the office, dialed 911, then opened the safe and pulled out a .44 Magnum snub-nose revolver. He stuck the barrel into his mouth and tasted powder...SPLAT!
6And that, fellow reader, is the true story of an Anatomy of a Murder. Flying gnat-like Toes, and greasy cat-like Fingers, itchy fingers, itchy trigger-happy is good!
- robot twin has no genitalia. She can please a man, but she cannot be pleased by a man...human or robot. Male robots have genitalia, but it is only for a female's
5I must admit, I felt a bit sullen as the zombie turned and sulked; it shuffled its mangled and disease-infested body toward the door. Its pus-filled eyelids will forever haunt me!
2It was the end of Happy Days. There was no way possible to return to the days of glory. Society got in its own way...forgetting that people no longer craved peace and prosperity.
6the midget a glance that made him sit back in the chair and pull his sticky fingers away from my date's breast. She smiled a toothy grin and giggled, "He sure is a fresh little guy
3Lets face it...swimming naked with the entire cast of "L is not for Labium" is not something this guy takes doesn't happen every day...I needed to tell someone...but
8My home is the park, down by the riverbank, north of the inner harbor. My dream? It is extremely violent. I stand at the foot of the hill and very large women bowl me over with
6with super rope licorice candy, which he proceeded to lick until it got all sticky. Then he stuck the sticky candy on the doctor's mustache and yanked hard. "Ouch, you little basta
6thirty-five years or so...but, in our case, it was over the course of a weekend in Hoboken, where we contemplated the rising cost of a Snickers bar and wrote: It's only chocolate!
8And that, my friends, is what we here in FOLDINGSTORYVILLE call Looney Toons! Tha...tha...that's all, Folks!
3has gone beyond the overactive stage. I yanked on the Magic Pants didn't budge. I could feel my back lower dentures starting to float. The yellow river was overflowing
6in blind rage--Gruyere oozing from the opened cavity. It was torture only a spud would know, and many before him had died the same slow, agonizing death. Det. Manatee was hot on