Finished Folds (81—100)
2Tommy howled in disgust and drew his foot back. He made his way to the bathroom, hopping on one foot the entire way. But as he was wiping his foot off the smell was too much and
8are going to WORK! Kids today don't understand a hard day's work like I do. I was working in the mines when I turned 2. Swung a pickaxe and hauled coal lump by lump in my diaper.
4up in the microwave!" Ham stomped over to Domino. "What the hell are you talking about? Haven't you been paying attention? Can't you see that dress Mrs. Lily has on that is full of
6a really over-taped corpse and that was sloppy. Especially from a professional like myself. I remember my old partner, Shamrock McCoy, and the time he over-taped. It didn't end
1would make Nay-sayer into a champion. He began with his usual. Forty power lifts. He placed two 300 pounds weights on Nay-sayers saddle and instructed him to lift.
2cheap casio watch. "Can I help you?" I asked him trying to divert my stare from his multicolored wig. His gaze drifted upward until it landed aquarely on my
5She lashed out. Her hand striking me squarely in the face. I reeled backwards, falling out of my chair, and hitting the floor. I could taste blood where I had bitten the inside of
3tion army began to assemble. They brought their little red buckets and bells. Shoulder to shoulder they formed a line and began to march. The bells began to ring in harmony with my
2the professor gets a bad case of hemorrhoids and Mrs. Howell comes down with the runs from some rancid coconut milk?" Gilligan shrugged. "Yea, I guess it is similiar. So?"
3The chair became a sort of shrine in the neighbor hood. People would come from blocks away to sit and rock for a bit. They said it brought them peace. Soon the legend spread and
4began asking for money. But Pa always said, "Son, you can do a lot of stupid things. But NEVER trust any of those damned gypsies." So I told them no and they put a curse on me.
2specially trained. They ate all day and pranced the catwalk at night. They wore the most glamerous of designs. The Kirstie Alley collection. Made in China, these dresses were so
4"What is it girl? Is Timmy stuck under the bed?" I quickly lifted the covers and dust ruffle and bent down to peer underneath the bed. No Timmy. But there was a strange shape
6Jesus. I was going to write something. But thinking of some poor bastard with a dislodged scrotum and testicles makes me a little queasy. Excuse me. Talk amongst yourselves.
0. "I have you now." She said matter-of-factly. I stared at her. "Actually, I can just blow you're finger off. This isn't Looney Tunes, you stupid bitch." I pulled the trigger.
7I like to purse my lips where ever I go, yo. That's how we roll in this hood. Straight gangsta. I remember when this Asian kid came to class talkin' shit about his math skillz, I
2onald. The sai was jammed up to the hilt in his neck. Blood began to pool on the floor where he lay. Just then the door flew open and Grimace waddled in. He gasped in horror.
0have him do other things. "Hey baby, can you teach me how to check the dip-stick?" Christine said it in a low, sultry voice even as she let loose with a giant
4with her arms loaded with bags of groceries. She had tofu, soy beans, vegan burgers. Even Silk, for God's sake, and nobody buys that shit. It was too late. He had gotten in her
2into the pit of poisonous vipers. "It must be." She hit the bed of snakes and cringed as the hissing filled the cavern. "It has to be." She stood and did the only thing she knew to