Finished Folds (341—360)
4had some form of redeeming entertainment value. I was just fooling myself. Valerie's Family ever after Valerie leaving, really was a shell of a show. Now, Justine Bateman, well
4really provides a zing to a back rub. My masseur Tony always added different things to his emollients. Just a couple of years ago, Tony really was into
2Ms. Messing had been a regular in the house of Windsor, ever since Prince Edward told her that he was a big fan of Will & Grace. Prince Edward favorite prince was Prince Albert
0of corn buttered in it. The roast beef was splayed across the table. Martha took her fork and
5Christian contemporary music and book store in Abilene. Her pastor, Neil Tennant, who was a raging born-again, evangelical, who
1I guess there is a difference. Yeah, there is. No one I knew got any kicks out of open heart surgery or a tracheotomy. Well, all except Dr. Bone, who ironically had priapism.
1scorecard. But in fact, Linda was wrong. They were playing "Hors d'oeurve" and Linda had plenty of chances to catch up. The Lion's Club had never
2though wouldn't bail me out. The rest of my football team dressed as various versions of bong-hitting Mylie Cyrus or BP oil spill clean up folks. Our coach
1just broadcast dead air on the Armenian-language radio station. Those damn Turks were crafty. As a matter of fact, one Turk held a large pen, while doing a whirling dirvish, and
1pierced the room like a hooker farting in church. Her high-pitched voice squeled, "You son of a bitch, I will cut off your cock and balls if you don't
1would notice. She liked watching men scratch themselves, and Bill knew it. Betty's tight, terry cloth tube top heaved. She HAD noticed. Bill was in for a
3freshly shorn scrotum, which seemed to always pop up in the most surprising places. One time, Bobby's fetid, but moisturized shorn scrotum was
4could not. His one-eyed, one-legged, tattooed grandmother would never have allowed him to go out in public like that. Instead, she always told him to
2exposed the gaping maw with all of them watching, oblivious to the brown mark above it. No, Doris would have to stop masticating with open lips, dropping
0bane of the illiterate Sunni (but they misspelled it "Sooni") population in the greater Grand Rapids area. Pretty shitty of the soonis if you ask me.
1mechanics for a tune up. Charlie the Lube Man was both a skilled repairman and proctologist. At one point, Charlie found some large ball bearings clanking around in my
3have sterilized themselves. Rubbing alcohol serves as a good sterilizer, and for Liza Minelli as a good mixer for cocktails. Once Liza used rubbing alcohol to sterilize
4stoned, homeless, and untalented. Because even having the name "Randy" as a celebrity connotes failure: Jackson (Idol); Jackson (5); Johnson. How Randy Quaid thought he could
4Well except for the Chanukkah when Uncle Rudy gave everyone in the family Snuggies. He forgot that Grandma had reupholstered the furniture with Velcro. Oh, the humanity,
1to just go by. GO F*CK YOURSELF!! The former VP had Tourette's Syndrome, which GO F*CK YOURSELF!!, caused