Finished Folds (161—167)
5& lock away our daughters. Which we did. Somehow though, the hatches were not as battened down as we thought and our daughters still got pregnant. They claimed a golden shower had
5So I high tailed it to Golfsnart where the salesman, Paulie Shore, suggested the Weasel brand golf clubs. He assured me that if I wanted the nubs The Weasel would get me the nubs.
2The wind. Which is to say we achieved mobility by the interplay of variations in air pressure, temperature, & terrain. A sudden mountain of bacon was sure to have a bearing on our
7He had decided the whole world needed to go back to a One State Solution. In a Now classic Trump pivot he is not set on a course to MAKE PANGEA GREAT AGAIN!®
17My puppet master yanked my strings to and fro. One moment he or she, I think I prefer a she, has plopped me on the divan watching hours and hours of Antique Roadshow and the next I
3She even had that written on the t-shirt she was wearing. As most people did not believe the DNA Registry existed they only felt pity for her when it was they that were pitiful.
7E mine. I slapped the apple away and grabbed him by the collar yelling "nien nien nien". For some reason I thought he was German. I threw him into a canal I must not have noticed