Finished Folds (121—140)
3ncipal subscribed to the incorporeal punishment principle. The incorporeal punishment principle principal believed in deferring punishment until after death. That guy was a spook!
3after a single day of working as a cook, Flippy the burger-flipping robot has stopped flipping. It wasn't the high pressure job, zero pay, or menial repetition that got to Flippy.
1my courses on compost furniture (more comfy as it ferments!), the insulating power of dung bricks (keeps away inlaws too!) & how to grow regenerating moss suits.I'd almost given up
4drank 'some' beer and ran off at the mouth (apparently) and so the echo chamber of my mind reverberated through my vocal cords and the secret earth shattering question was uttered:
4His Fair of Ruining Everything was too precious! Held once a year in the village of Giggleswick, it would be on the same day as the Dragon's task. But he found a way to do both!
2on my side. Costco had a special on 6 ft tall waffles, oh boy! I could finally realize my dream of being a giant icecream. Aisle 1 had the 10 gallon buckets of icecream. I bought
2"Oh, my Gawd" she thought."I've become a couch potato!" Initial terror subsided once she realized how comfy it felt to be the office sofa & when the cute guy from accounting sat on
4no Rosita to flirt with at the bar, but his donkey stopped & wouldn't budge. So Juan went in & there was Rosita! He ordered a Latte mas Grande. She winked & added an "extra shot".
4We're asking for a fluid that is expendable to you, but very nourishing to we, the Porcelain Minions of Aldebaran. We insist on this tribute and your planet will be spared.
3roadkill realism. I took the knee length mangy pink sweater my Aunt Gerty once knit me & duct taped a cheerleader pon-pon on the rear, put it on & headed for the pub for trick-or-
3teacher & the University valued his high pitched, high speed delivery: the students learned much faster! A professor in the bio department cloned him & now it's a two year college.
5I'd decided to leave my past behind me. I just wanted to start fresh. So at midnight I met him at the harbor boarded a ship and it quietly glided out to sea on a moonless night.
3A horn grew from her ear, a furry wart on her birkenstockclad feet & she smelled of akvavit & surströmming but I let her in."Let me tell you about economic rubbish" said Hildegaard
10to a shaking angry Queen Whirlpool. "How dare you sleep around with other appliances!" Chief Wala wailed "But her burners made me hot & she really bakes my
2just microwave him with his googly professor glasses to give a psychedelic glow and add a couple of uncooked up Easter eggs for good measure. Times up. Pop goes the Weasel!
6his now bright red nose was showing and the rainbow haired cops who incarcerated him in a bouncy castle full of balloon animals, it was worth it. Heck even the honky horn the judge
6it would not stand erect on the launchpad due to a faulty strut?Perhaps it would run out of rocket fuel & sputter out?He needed professional advice for his rocket performance fears
2in the occipital bone. Inside the vaunted dome a fungal cathedral grew. The pope of the dung beetles wended his way to the sepulcher where their venerated founder lay in repose
7Hitler leaned in to blow the little V2 rocket candles. My bullet whizzed over his head, bounced off a tank & landed in the punch bowl, just as Goering ladled a cup for the Fuehrer.
5once again. Art for Crime's sake was his motto. Art Brut's escape vehicle was a wienermobile with Balla-blurred legs. He faded into the sky like a Margritte. "Curses!" said Insp.