Finished Folds (81—100)
3his ability to operate the tower crane with his penis. Though sometimes he regretted not learning any other skills in life. Such as penis typing or penis computer repair. If only
3The invention that would surpass HDtv titled 'Real Life'. It required no wires or even power. The crowd was amazed at this new invention and shouted "Shut up and take my money!".
1It was only when I got home that I remembered his mother was a hideously deformed snow leopard with a penchant for buggery and lies. It was up to me to tell the boy the truth that
2inflicted by the little bastard. I began to stomp on them and when they were all dead I dropped my pants and defecated onto there cold corpses. I realised too late that my parents
5Just then a passing hijacked airliner slammed into the deli killing IGOR and sending me flying out the window like a scene from terminator. I immediately wondered what kind of
5there witnessed the disgusting mating ritual of the panda camel hybrid. I raised my axe to end this unholy union. These creatures had been created in my laboratory but now
4years you spend alone'. One of the most unknown of the Brother Grimms stories was the one about the diseased panda who deliberately infected other animals particularly the north
2whale penises. The whaling party had begun firing the unwanted parts of there catch into the land lovers towns and cities. The stench of whale jizz overpowered even the smell of
3Behind the boy loomed a large bear who promptly swiped at the boys neck. The boy fell to the floor his throat opened and blood streaming onto the grass. The dog cocked his leg to
3I got rid of the old Gods by falsely accusing them of sexual harassment. Sometimes a God has to stoop low in order to get to the top. I will use my powers to give all camels
3Your disgusting sexual practices do not interest me or anyone else.
2I had a dark fetish. I took off my clothes and lay with the corpse all night. The holes in the head may have been unsightly to others but to me they were each just another orifice
1Thoughts of raw sewage brought back memories of the miley sirus concert she had attended the previous week. Her thoughts were interrupted by a giant panda that burst through the
2"Nate dogg is a notorious camel smuggler" replied Satan. The imp rolled up the scroll and inserted it deep into his secret scroll hole. "Thats gross!" said Satan. The imp waddled
3my salary by 3000. "thats for using your initiative. I people like you. The second war of the vegetables will come soon and it will be long and bitter." I asked to be excused. My
3huge sack that needs emptying tonight." Sawyer began to shake with fear and disgust. He reached for his panic alarm but the bearded man in red threw a reindeer at his head. Blood
2"I was born with a rare gift. I could manipulate my genitals to do basic tasks like picking things up and pressing buttons, even typing. The X-men laughed at me when I tried to
2The space ship was entirely crewed by naked women. Except for one goat. The goat didnt seem to do much. In fact he began to suspect the goat had very little space flight training.
2our pets. When our pets tried to hump us we had to pretend to enjoy it so as to keep up the charade for my wife. But then my wife asked to join in and this was just to shameful
1baboons ass where the dogs face should have been. The dog barked in monkey fart language and the place began to smell very badly. Something was seriously wrong with this dog but I