Finished Folds (101—110)
4Webster would not stab the other dictionaries in the back. He would remain on strike and show solidarity with his leather bound brothers. To him, dictionary games were abuse and
2"Err.. no but err I have read the book.. yes that' right iv read the book and I knew the film would never live up to it" the Genie replied triumphantly. I slowly double facepalmed.
1Unfortunately Grandpas eyesight had failed him yet again. He had accidentally brought his patented Lipo Suction 3000. As billy began to get thinner and thinner Grandpa realised his
3amassing a local militia comprised of crack shots. Edward Snowden would co-ordinate the strike. With Michael Moore in charge of food supplies. When told, Michael seemed happier
0loaf of bread from his grocery bag. He rammed the entire loaf down the mans throat. He then dowsed the man in gas and set him on fire. "Howd ya like ya toasted sandwich NOW!"
8A poets life is rarely this gorey. In truth its rather quite borey. Terrible rhymes, are the least of his crimes. But it makes for a half decent story.
- my dog mount the recently deceased cat. He was always humping her in life and we would all laugh but this was just sick. I stayed and watched until I was finished. Suddenly a
2her trophy on her desk that read 'Gender confused person of the year'. She picked up the trophy and hurled it at my face. "SKIDOOOSH" she cried as it fractured my
3in the foot and plant my severed toe into one of there dishes and sue them blind. With any luck I would have enough money to pay back the pet store. I had been running a large tab
2a representative of the local authority arrived with a few policemen to close down the club for several health and safety violations. A riot ensued and the police began unleashing