Finished Folds (121—129)
1Even though the sounds were terrifying, what they were about to see was truly frightening. "That has got to be the worst case of hemorrhoids ever known to mankind" said Dr.
0For Antonio was not yet ready for female encounters. He had even taken on a gay life style in order to avoid any interaction with the opposite sex. Still the voice whispered:
3shouted the owner of the egg. Rasputin the fifth to be exact. How much for the egg, I asked him. He stroke his beard a long time, then instead of answering, he fell asleep.
5s' unpronounceable names. For the awesome gods of the men of Giggleshitz were seldom sober. This was their way, and man knew no else than to follow in their paths. And it was good.
3dirty. Like usual the cat had defecated into it. There is a certain pleasure to be experienced with water, when one has only ever carried out one's needs on sand. Bombs away, said
1ies, that is, the mothers of this lady Pharoe. No-one really knew or cared why she did not know who her real mother was. So then the ice cream was served. Vanilla flavor said
5Then all of a sudden Frans turned of his chain saw, walked over to Hans and grabbed him by the face. Next thing, Frans and Hans were united in soft kisses. My darling, said Frans.
6Dr Cosmo sat back, pretending to care about this statement I just made. Finally the good doctor broke silence and gave her verdict; Quit lying. You have no friends, she said.
5"Det förekommer inga brott av den här typen." GW kliade sig i det redan rufsiga håret. Han fortsatte: "Och anledningen är den att det inte finns någon lag emot det."