Finished Folds (61—80)
1feast for the eyes. Hills were covered in green grass which gave way with the wind. In the valley were gardens with trees that bore fruit. By a swimming pool we met Petrograd's
2get it to stop humping his leg. Though this could be seen as an improvement, as robo-wolf had spent the last 3 days non-stop licking its balls. The only way he could get it off was
7e Dimitri had choked and died from allergy to the peanuts in our Snickers. The police arrived. Fido and myself got arrested. They tell us we'll get nothing but bad ravioli in jail.
7odds of hi-jacking a submarine. This was Spectre's plan. So they had arranged a rainbow festival in Goa. Submariners, who are known to sympathize with rainbows, were attending
2considered this option, I decided it was not for me. I took a shower, put on the uniform and I looked fantastic. Other majors would follow as I'd glow awesomeness upon them too.
1chew up the insects that got caught in their wide open pie holes. For they were special people, in a special story. And they could not chew and ride their bikes at the same time.
4"any venom would long since have propagated to much more tissue than that in the vicinity of the bite." A death sentence for Alice perhaps. But was the snake really poisonous?
4"You are The Highlander," he continued, "and you are immortal." This meant I had to practice my Lambert impersonation if I was gonna make this trustworthy. Sean filled my glass and
4, but he hated prosperity more. The more money was spent on sanitizing and repairs, the less the city could spend on welfare. So just for the heck of it, I enlisted Billy in
3got yesterday! "You've been selected to win a million dollars. Click this link to collect your money." So I clicked and clicked. I hope I get a million for each time. A new leg
2내 모든 고통을 내가 키스에 익사. 내 모든 비밀 나는 아이로 착용하십시오. 나는 나무에서 너무 빨리 찢어 잎입니다. 모든 연인은 외로워하는?
3I used to sing baritone, but a fix to the nuts pitched my vocals right up there. Being satanists, we confirm & resent the existence of a Jewish/Christian/Islam god. We bake cookies
8become his reality. Whenever there was a problem it could always be fixed with a light saber, as long as one was awake. Today he was hosting a seminar on the topic "Avoiding
9He was thinking he wanted to wear his blue evening dress with diamonds. I was leaning towards a fireman outfit with an ax and a tank on the back. We would rock the inauguration of
3of what appeared to be brains, and sipping on a straw that came out of it. "Thing didn't seem to be using it," Herman said. He got up, walked by the agent and out into the street.
6. My eyes watered from the scent and I cried like a baby. My dog on the other hand got excited by the fart the nurse had just made. It sniffed all over the floor expecting to find
5Stench" by Monica Lewinsky and "How to make blend Mexican food" by Ban Ki-moon. I asked the owner of the parallel universe book store how much for the books. "An arm and an ear
4opening. The board of American Dental Association had taken this matter seriously, and invited American Osteopathic Board of Proctology. "We have a conflict of interest in cavities
4to when hurricanes roar," said the cameraman. Jennifer was not in a hurry since she was paid by the hour to partake in this rear-end exploration. "Which scientific journal
9signs of bodily needs. But my(our) brain is yet not capable of controlling bodily fluids or creating a stimulating fold. A double-barreled shotgun was leaning appealingly against