Finished Folds (3081—3100)
3locusts chewing their way out from the holes of her head. She was never going to get her breast implants inserted there now, was she? The locusts were chewing, gnawing their way
5unmentionable mucous upon it! Gross! And that night clean glass ruined! With germs! I wondered what object to hose down the disgusting hobo with. I picked up the nearest
1met Dumplo the dog, a costumed mascot who sold really, really good furniture. Neverminding the children-eating zombies, I instead sought after a particularly comfortable
2But what more can you expect from people so stupid that they still die in the ring even when following a stupid script? And their audience isn't particularly bright, either.
0dug his claws into the flesh as hard as he could, scratching along the skin of the meaty flesh until it bled. The attacker cried out in pain, releasing his victim, but now angrier
2away before the rebuttal could reach my ears. What I had said wasn't saying much about some cheap, needled whores in a dingy mafia-owned establishment. What a pisser this job was.
1Too bad what I couldn't see was a therapist right about now. Her USB-port nipples suddenly lashed cables out at me, strangling around my neck. I choked for breath, but it was too
3buffers. Yes, it was Hollywood to blame. Thankfully, Halloween came in and kicked Hollywood's cultist butt back to last century, and our floating protagonist found a gravity well
2out why he was hallucinating rainforest animals. Not just mammals, snakes and those creepy carnivorous plants as well. But even Richard Gere didn't know who he himself was, so he
5time pass by playing Star Fox on my handheld. It was really time-consuming, replaying stages for achievements, but the only other escape was FoldingStory in between bouts. Back to
7everyone feel bloated with a tummy ache. We had no choice but to acquiesce to Mr. X's demands. Of course, X wasn't a pseudonym, it was really spelt Ecks. But his demands were as
3really made the place a lateral movement. Still, I hated the books to death, so finding a damn way out was my first priority. Why the hell was it "Middle" Earth anyway? It smelt
2he continued to wrap raw bacon around's area...while he was out in the yard grilling. He didn't even have a need to prepare all these pork flanks. He just wanted to
2hell did he mean to go in the first place? Too bad all the bookstores are gone now. Can't find a book in any of the malls. Didn't expect that change so soon. Not in 2011 at least.
4He would take a dump on the don's car. This was why I hated criminals and revenge. It was always so peurile. Always so crude. Always so boorish. So infantile. So...
1busy in the toilet--sorry, loo--and thereby preoccupied. Every time without fail he uses the bathroom. And not just to wash his hands after eating, either. But I too felt the
3, nearly tripping over my feet. The strange bumpy tank-like creatures had no trouble navigating the uneven road surface. "EXTERMINATE," they screamed. My only chance was to dive
3"I can't crawl under now it's gone all hot and fiery, can I!" piped the sarcastic man with the nice English accent. He came off a bit whiny, but damnit, he did have a point. What
1to flare up my hemorrhoids. But back to then. My beak sustained an injury and couldn't close properly. My feathered friend chauffered me on his bike to the clinic with due haste
1his backmasked speech for the talking Ken doll production. "Lla uoy evol I tub tuo hsal I." With his deed done, the grim reaper-LARPer moseyed on out of the recording studio to