Finished Folds (21—40)
3to stock more port, because orangutnangthts drink lots of port wine, and oraagasuntings prefer a fruity bouquet because orgrurgurtantangs are into that sort of thing. Oragnuutuagag
3decided to rectify this by purchasing a secondhand copy of the Necronomicon for a Yuletide gift (this was before Christmas was invented) and signed my name on the inside cover.
3the overhead baggage compartment (the apartment was made of recycled airplanes), and the rest in various cupboards in the bathroom. At no extra cost, the kids received a pile of
1"No thank you!" said President President, who dashed out the Oval Office's secret exit to the Rectangular Rectory. He was last seen baskin' at Baskin Robbins; they always find out.
1it. I'm scheduling an intervention for myself." But since I had no medical insurance, I had to make do with a quart of whiskey and a bottle of Benadryl.
2for a decent sandwich with which to watch the fun. A nice foot-long grinder, maybe. Haven't had a good tuna sub in ages. And an Orangina to wash that hoagie down. Today was good!
3rbade me, but I've never taken orders from furniture in my entire life. Except that one time, but that time wasn't now. This was the day I broke the fabled tablecloth barrier.
2the tradition of this chapter of the East Brisbane Book Club always carrying machetes with them wheresoever they may trot. Wasn't that a fascinating tale to know?
1right in a herd of potato skins, the bacon and sour cream chafing his eyes. Ordinarily they would have been delicious, particularly the chives. At least the guards took pity.
2the bell's dinger dropped about six feet, hung there long enough for all to get out of the way, then crashed to the floor. The bell was, alackaday, no more.
2rhyming dictionary for Kwanzaa. She'd known it was the perfect gift for the fam since she forget how to pronounce the word "cretin". She heard it both ways too many times. Life is
3into an all-night pegging session at the Odeon. It used to be a very good Olive Garden, but people meme Olive Garden and it got shut down regardless. He couldn't give her up now.
1Guess he dabbles in DEcomposition now," Bruce Gilden quipped. "Being dead, that's thirty demerits, but at least the price goes up. We should all kill artists and get rich."
1And if you think Germany left behind the totalitarian regime of National Socialists, just take a look at their free speech laws sometime. He crunched a carrot between his teeth and
3Roald Dahl had a fucked-up name none could pronounce, but he had a pretty nice pair of snozzberries, if you can believe C. S. Lewis. Tolkein had itty bitty snozzberries. Fucktastic
3sproingily dusty. Alice was overheating, and that was the reason Doom Eternal was lagging. Alice was useless now, and had to be chucked in the planned obsolescence bin. Just like
4In the morning, it all sounded like shit, but the stoners fooled themselves into thinking they had put in effort, and the agents had to release SOMETHING. White kids buy anything.
4placing to catch the fucking possum holing up under the front porch. Midst throes of training bra hell, she bricked up the porch when the parents left and set it aflame. She danced
3The crowd flung her a little bit too hard, and she went sailing over the sun. As George Orwell once said, "A wop bobaloobop, a wop bamboo." She flapped her arms to try and ease her
1was in deep doo-doo now, mostly because my voice changed, and I was meant to be in the Christmas choir for the evening mass. Ragging my communion robes was not a pretty look.