Finished Folds (21—40)
6hmm hm-hmmm. Hmmmmm. I contemplated the possibility of being Batman some more. Hmmm. HMMMMMM. HMMM-HMMM-HMMMMM!. The intensity of my contemplating was increasing.
5with sulfur dust.He enjoyed eating,although he didn't have to eat to survive.It was just the kind of debauchery you'd expect from Satan.His friends were worried."Satan",they'd say,
5Trash and children were quite alike in some respects:both stink,start to pile up at some point and it's difficult to get rid of them for good.That said,I truly love children.I do.
3Nobody seemed to have heard me.They had slapped on swastika badges & proceeded to march in perfect order,heading for the library.I'm not a book geek but this seemed too extreme.
5could be prevented only if I'd listen to the song exactly 2012 times.1890 days I spent in a cave with only a crank-powered stereo.When I finally emerged,the world had changed.I saw
1I have to race the dogs to pay the bills.It's not so bad:I have a little corner in the stable and get 3 meals a day,mostly chicken parts.I'm good.Not dog-good,but once even made 5t
0They can track you with it.I'm completely off the grid;set up camp in the woods,65ft above the ground.Just a sleeping bag atop an old redwood.I plan my next move,snacking on bugs.
4She loved it,as did I.There was a moment,atop a hill with the most wonderful view,where we gazed in each others eyes.I knew in that moment,I would never love another cat more than
2The cops were hot on my tail by now,and North Korea would be the last place they'd look for me.I took the ticket and headed off.Kim J-to-the-U welcomed me at the airport,alone."Hey
4"Indeed",George said,as the theme of the popular sitcom was beginning to play."I love that show",I said.George got angry at that.His big polar bear paws struck the beer out of my h
4Crying heavily,I begged Dr. Ajfdrugcbi to teach me how to read signs properly.His giant hand rested on my shoulder,his eyes bore deep into my soul."You already know,child",he whisp
6bigmacs.I also have lived with the 'Donalds tribe over in Idaho and learned many of their ways:how to care for the pattys,even talk to them.I know,we can have peace with the pattys
3The folds became sentient through the shock: the story had been broken,violated without reason.The folds gathered around the perpetrator and began their war dance.No escape now.
2Nonstop,they were stuffing Cinnabons into their faces,their skin glistening from all the dropping grease.At one point,Sid and Yokozuna stopped fighting.To the fatsos,Sid said:"Eww,
3in light of the human genome sequence reveal.An untold number of existential crises had to be attended to."Luckily I had the perfect relief:I simply told my patients,that
4"Screw that!Bloody coppers...""Hush.Start again with the onions",she commanded.I repeated the preparations, cooking the meal a second time."But this time",I said,chaining myself to
3Cheekeasies popped up everywhere,offering Botox for triple the usual price.Such began the "Age of Injection".Celeb-Gangs hunted other "Plastics",harvesting the "NeXtar" from their
4-her train of thought derailed when she looked at her hands:the torches.Of course.Why make things complicated,she thought,beating him to a pulp and setting fire to his corpse.Amen.
2-When he came to again,his head was hurting like mad.A blood speckled stone lay nearby."Uhh..",he muttered. Where was he?And..who was he?One hand was grasping an address book.
6-after her owner had delighted her with a little musical number-she would finish the tomatoes.Depending on her schedule,she would then pursue either physical or cultural activities