Finished Folds (101—108)
2that we'd have last night's pizza crust for dinner.Also,that she wasn't our mother.Apparently she had found us one day while strolling through the woods, when suddenly a bizzare
3He pointed at the picture."This is Nemo.He's a fish.You are going to find him."Fifty heavily armed grunts in bathing suits starred at the admiral."NOW!",he shouted.They shot up
0l was well now.She just had to let go of that last piece of sanity she kept clinging to.The Mad Hatter would help with that.She approached the table,the Hatter was grinning like
4I want to tell you a story.Full of magic,friendship,and love.But also madness,torture, and despair.It's not an easy tale to grasp,so pay attention.First,there was The Rabbit.
0March to SeaWorld '06.The scar from back then hadn' t quite yet faded,his nightterrors were still keeping him up at night."Wonder what ever became of Saul",he thought,holding his
1,and that was ok:her brother was alright, as far as she could tell.He was just laying there,twitching and groaning,as was his custom."Brrg-..nnnhhlii?",he mumbled in his sleep.
4Unfortunately,we couldn't convince him to leave the stage.So he just sat there,staring at my legs."What marvelous legs you have",he sighed.I sat down and lost myself in his eyes.
0Stunned silence, blank eyes.",giant peach...I mean, I had seen some big bananas back in the day, but THIS?James didn't seem flustered at all.He joked:'