Finished Folds (1981—2000)
5she was in the gutter so she went on strike against The Kingpin cold turkey. She tried to frame him for using speedball, but the bowling shoes didn't fit. Many bowling puns later,
3so Hawkins teamed up with Loretta Lynn and Jack White on such hits as "There's a Cyst in my Tube," "Torrential Downpour/Prostate Blues," & "Now Papa, he had some Saggin' Stones."
3-marker shitting Robot Unicorn of HomoDomoLand. Its heart was so massive from joy that no despondency could escape its loadstone-esque pull; but when Marshmallow King digested it,
5"Ohmahgawd," she said, "this is like the best feeling ever." Despite her sarcastic valley girl tone, she was dead serious this time. She became addicted to bear trap asphyxiation.
5made him kiss her Ken doll. "Start talkin', Harry Manback!" the little girl commanded as she upped the voltage on the POW's restraints, "or I'll rub lipstick on your pretty little
5"Should we unleash Cthulu?" asked Scarn. Manatee said, "Nah, he's sore about not getting an invite." Big Lion crooned, "Yo, lemme eat B'Chug, I'm a different kind o' thug."
3and pictures of them wearing powdered wigs will be put in history books. But Blu Ray was a brash president with little appreciation for OptiLand's founding fathers, like DVD, VHS &
4were part of a cutting-edge study of the effects of Amphetamine-laced milk on elementary school students. At first, the kids took vigorous lecture notes. But they soon experienced
4bajillion yen, (well that's what the old dudes on Antiques Roadshow said, and they're always right) I decided I too'd like to have 1000 bajillion yen. So I stole some Ancient Mayan
3erection. "You're not terrorizing kids on chatroulette again, are you?" his wife asked rhetorically. Busted.
8Tinkie Winkie wept through the ceremony. Big Bird had come in with a big bat and knocked the caca outta Laa-Laa and the others. Thinking rationally, Tinkie picked up a hacksaw and
5"Don't talk about my boobs that way," she commanded, smacking him across the face. She talked a big game, but deep down, she knew she was flatter than week-old soda.
4"Just add water and VOILA - a mud pie!" The studio audience cheered. The Phil and Lil cooking show was a hit. "And you can even add bugs and
0set them loose in his boss's office. There's no telling what kind of damage a group of drunk bowlers could do to a room with glass walls.
4mere inches away from the fridge magnets they had made me. Knick knacks had a knack for purging my crazy. I snapped again when my niece gave me an M.R. Ducks picture frame.
2jacking off on a Norwegian lumberjacking trip with Jack Frost while wearing jack squat (as in, no jacket). In order to generate body heat, I was forced to shamefully
1-ing straw at my narrowly opened mouth and yelled, "Buckets!" It went straight in, but it was one of those crazy bendy straws, so it got all tied up in my
2going after Da Vinci going after Tom Hanks (sexually, of course). In fact, all five of them were "going after" one another, thereby creating the first ever Love Pentagram.
3. But then a goose came along and argued for moose juice's inferiority to goose juice. The moose and goose bickered for a while, only to be interrupted by a fox with a sox fetish.
2-Palooza: "'Thai' Chi"-secake Edition." It was no "FroZen Yogurt" but I was relieved to see a spin-off that didn't make me wanna "thai" on a tight one. Ever since they spun-off