Finished Folds (21—40)
1this was not a dream? What if the giant moth attacking the giant lizard was really happening. He upended his chair, hoping to wake up, not noticing the spinning top wasn't tipping.
4the salad dressing, but it was for naught. The mucusa pumped putrid purple puss and she did indeed reguritate all her tofu. The kazoo was no help either; it too was purple and
3Misty eventually resurfaced after Ash and Vick's defense attorneys prevailed at trial getting dozens of not guilty verdicts. The avian depression, however, was unshakable and
4unmourned. The villagers came to collect the dung from the dragon carcas, for fuel of course. The destiny of the drgaon itself, all metal, wires, and gears was much debated. Ev
5children wandered into his yard. He hated children and shuddered at the thought that he once used to be one. Exploding children was the best Christmas present he ever gave himself.
4Fortunately, my second attempt at time travel re-fluffed up the universe and brought Pierre and Bismarck back together. I was unexpectedly sent to the future when most humans were
3ventilation, NOT ventriloquism, as many people over the years had accused me of. I was no dummy and had no dummy, but I had a lot of gas so a glassie in my assie was not only
4be crowned Siberian Llama Beauty Queen?!? Henry passed around liquor hoping no one asked that question within earshot of the judges. He had a million dollars riding on the llama!
7e, but nothing happened. The crowd murmured. The diva looked from them to the stage lights to the floor and then fell over dead. "It ain't over!" yelled a boy and the crowd agreed.
2pathetically. But what the devil didn't know was that the green creature was actually his...father! And so indeed the father ruled the son and Arizonans everywhere cried.
1abuser started bleeding rectally that true fear set in. The gorillas saw hi fear and blood and new they day was near when they woudl rule the world once more.
4imagination entirely and so a crayon alternative might be futile. we looked around for the meaning of life and came across only sex and rock and roll. We drew that with our own
2from Toby's mouth, but I was afraid he would fling poo at me. "Hey buddy, you want ice cream?" Toby's eyes lit up and Optimus Prime's head emerged from his mouth. "Toby want
3Years later people would remember the mass out break of food poisoning as the beginning of the end for MonkMan.
3dog duke farted pleasantly, not knowing what anyone was talking about. Of course that's why Walt was so loud because he was surrounded by the deaf and dumb.
2She died of course, and at the funeral all the mourners on dialysis salivated over her extra kidneys. Five of the Tongue Depressors harvested the kidneys and made a killing!
5translate what you say." The jury rolled their eyes collectively. I could hear one whispering to another "He's malingering alright!" But I wasn't malingering I really was crazy and
6"Johnny, come eat dinner!!!!" "But mom, I'm still playing robots!" Amanda hated her son Johnny. She hated his mind. She hated that at 6 years old he was smarter that she was. So
3made you pee your pants. But enough about jingles and sauerkraut, the park needed to be weeded. The men in green unleashed their weed whackers and begged the garden gods to
0kicking in or wearing off, I couldn't tell which. Several days and fifty six trip to the bathroom later, I came out of my cube to see that the world was still there, just duller.