Finished Folds (161—180)
5, "How could you let this happen?" Tears ran down her face. I said, "But you despised him!" Gwendolyn the Hyena cackled, "No - I spiced him. That dwarf was to be my next meal."
5greasy supersize menu items. As he sweated over fixing my car, his face paint streaked to reveal skin that looked like a moldy sack of potatoes. I gulped. It was still a bargain.
5I wrote a detailed review about that little slice of heaven and posted multiple high-res photos of it online. It was a tall order, but somebody had to do it.
5say. He swished a fin in her general direction. "Mom! Puh-lease," he said, exasperated. "Can't you see I'm trying to study?" He closed the door. Someday maybe she would understand.
5that it was a hoax, but this time Faux News fooled few. Several of those bookstore browsers made cell phone videos of the bizarre events as they unfolded and uploaded them to
6"Thanks for the burnt offering. The unitard will come in handy," the blue lady of the fire murmured. Before AC/DC or I could respond, she offered to grant us three wishes. "Each?"
6cally grinning from ear to ear like two crazy loons, they sidled up to the Professor. Each took an arm and picked his brain for information. "Hey! Looky here, Loomis!"
6Mr. Rat and his young bobbed for rotting apple cores and felt truly blessed when they discovered a half-eaten tuna fish sandwich. He sniffed the air. The aroma was quite ripe.
4they raised their tiny heads out of the nest and sang to their "Da-Da." Their screechy voices, though well-intended, pierced the night. A distant call greeted them. Squawkers!
4In the catalog there were coupons, and who doesn't like a good deal? "Those clam-diggers don't grow on trees," she said, determined to be well-stocked for the upcoming flood.
4was on standby for the longest time. Quetzalcoatl hissed, and Myrtle gulped. Czernobog perceived that the little hamster was nervous, so he called for another round of spirits.
7his grandpa had worn a different jacket, anything but that one. Its paisley pastel patterns clashed horribly with his red, green, and gold plaid kilt and knee-high socks. Fugly
7from someone's plate and turned into a solid lump that floated through the spaceship. "Butterball!" yelled four NASA astronauts, myself included. It was all in good fun.
6subplot branched off the main story-line. Was the third person the true protagonist? The other two wondered. "Third person does not explain itself to anyone ever," came the reply.
9It's a cataswophe waiting to happen! In my dreams I pressed a button on the bedside remote control. Bugs Bunny disguised as a nurse promptly appeared. "Eh, what's up, doc?"
1"Merde means shite," said Antione's daughter Ana. "Wow, you spoke French, I'm so ... proud of you, sweetie." "Cut the condescending crap. Make me a grilled cheese sammich."
6The sight of that meat had sent them into a frenzy. Before the butcher's booth, Big Tutti tut-tutted, "Ooh! I'll take a juicy leg of lamb." "On the bone, or off?" Her suitor asked.
3with anyone - spoiler alert! - even themselves. Afterwards the whole gang sat for hours in bumper to bumper traffic on the way home. It was a very pedestrian affair
5ing. A mounted policeman shouted to those on foot, "Earworm alert!" Hips wiggling uncontrollably, the Brazilian cops tried to cover their ears. I wriggled free and twirled away.
8were a widower! I might've turned into an old codger, but my heart still beats fer ya, Maybelle!" It almost got to her when he said that, but then she remembered the last time.