Finished Folds (1021—1040)
8involving 32 geosynchronous satellites, a common housecat, and six strategically located canisters of Silly String. He gave the first humiliated couple an awkward hug; the patent
5it was obviously Jung who was responsible, and primarily because of his infidelities with that psychopathic waif. Now, Freud himself had a taste for the "shadow". The cat-o-nine
9from the mouth of the insipid face which had emerged on my abdomen. My love-life, at the age of 38, was over. What woman, in this era, could overlook such a gross deformity? Maybe
5poetry when we resort to inane rhyme. Don't you read the New Hampshire Literary Review? Now, let me alone, it is time for my snack." The Pope pressed a buzzer on his throne, and a
5It might be a small, ineffectual fish, but it is mine. A sardine. OK, so I am not the most imaginative accountancy lawyer, but I know how to get the job done! My latest case
3"Hmm hm. Hmm hmm hmmmmm -- no, that's not very interesting." Humming was dated, it could no longer rouse the increasingly sophisticated masses, what with their mobile gadgets and
6power lines in which his body was entangled. But rather than killing Newt -- or Newty, as his girlfriend liked to call him on weekends -- the surge of electrons only strengthened
4His dyslexia broke my heart. As the train approached, I stared into its oncoming headlight, no longer wanting to be of this awful world. I closed my eyes and ignored the wailing
2pills on his dying grandmother. Her body was broken, but her mind and spirit remained strong. "You're a no-goodnik," she chastised. He sulked from the room, needing a pill or two.
3traditional retirement investment strategies. "I have a contact in one of the major Guadalajara cartels," she enticed. "Guaranteed income, all in non-traceable bills." Her pitch
2flowers, a pathetic, drooping plant with grey petals and pallorous leaves. "No. And why don't you get rid of these crappy flowers? You deserve something more life-affirming, like a
6electric biscuits for munchies, so it was natch that she would make for the ole icebox after a few hits of the hydroponic best-seller Polychromatic Mindbender. Her lifeless body
5mats. "Dammit, I just bought these things!" Dana screamed. She folded her arms and scowled. "Sure, I got them cheap at an estate sale, but they are..." She burst into tears. "They
4"I am the oldest Folder," he lamented into his empty Scotch tumbler. The pistol lay on the desk before him, it's barrel pointing towards the photograph in the cheap brass frame.
5fidelity stereo systems and made cooing noises. "Maybe they will love me in a Hi Fidelity Stereo System uniform," he hypothesized. "But how can I be certain without actually
4ta. Nyoto kee moo-tse llego. Modeet!" Burt had a way with words, and with the village ladyboys. He would stroll along the unpaved paths, holding the model aircar aloft and making
4some sense of dignity, I covered my shame with a shovel. Neighbor Jake, who had been burying a child's body in my backyard, scowled at me. "Nagerjack won't like this," he warned.
5Why do I have tentacles? This last question shocked me into a new reality: I was the legendary Squidgirl. Suddenly, the roof blew off and the walls fell away. I could see every
4creative beatings. "This isn't lunch!" cried a patron as he received blow after blow from a sausage filled with nickels. "It's the new lunch," sneered Unc Nunkie, "and you're gonna
4a few tactical drone strikes. This is, Mrs. Inspector-General, my understanding of events at this juncture. Thank you." Admiral McPhlee turned to his lawyer and covered his mouth