Finished Folds (1041—1060)
2off their contact lenses and decided to get down to work -- but only after each of them underwent discount Lasik treatment, provided as a benefit under the new company medical
5his mental random integer generator provided. No dice. "Damn it all, I never win these contests!" Perturbed by another defeat, he decided to fix things forever and grabbed a screw
4No sooner had he cleared his throat than he collapsed onto the table. His nameplate, "Ambassador Modigliani", fell to the chambers floor with a clack. The Secretary-General stood
2VII advertisement. "I'll dress in combat drag, that'll really torque the old bird colonel off." A voice, seeming to emanate from the trash can, spoke: "Respect your elders!" Timmy
3:37.66541987 UTC. "Damned atomic watch," he complained. Some kitty litter had collected in his fedora, and he gruffly shook the hat to free it of the pebbles. "It's time for a
2aming the lyrics to Nirvana's "Floyd the Barber". Irony was as far beyond Floyd as the Surface of Last Scattering was beyond the American Scatalogical Society, with its self-
4for the forbidden Lucky Charms Omelette. Discovered by the Sardinians, the recipe had been suppressed by virtue of a Franco-Vatican treaty which prohibited processed cereal from
6d spray through the window and into the yard. Unusual flora erupted in predictable patterns on the lawn; by August, we were able to harvest fruits born of the bushes, fragrant and
3onkey attacks, to commence at oh one hundred tomorrow-ish." The judge slammed its head on the table. "Whatever! Adjourned." The jury groaned. Monkey attacks were so prevalent that
15"Move to the photo station," the clerk instructed. Her bitterness was clear through the top of her bifocals. I began to shake; my last photographs had been abominations, accenting
2of the years of filth she had allowed to accumulate, lying to herself that it was makeup the while. Staring into the cloth, she was astonished to find the face of the One and Only
3sent back to that Mongolian ghetto she'd struggled to escape. The Emerald Key, retrieved from the stomach of a two-headed Capuchin monkey, held a certain place in her
1found a start-up and bank phony billions if I am to gain street cred in my old Silicon Valley neighborhood. "Make a market," they call it. Invent something preposterous, slap on a
4of stiff drinks if the experiment was a success -- or a failure. Win-win! Spock removed the umlaut from his name before pouring a out a double of Middleton and serving it to his
5and the downstream impact on the gazpacho industry. He knew there were millions just waiting to be made through supply-chain improvements, genetic enhancements, and above all
4first encounter, demonstrating several techniques in the ways of origami. "It's just like love-making," I mused; by the confused looks on their faces, I realized that I had made
4As would "Thirty Shades of Blue", "Lemon-Lime", "Manitoba Mauve" -- but soon, the maternal audience of the genre caught on to the formula and began to demand more from the erotic
3"Well, at least they ain't commies anymore." Harry nodded and gazed into heavens "She's like the Night Rider now. Think of her when you look into the night sky." Jimmy's eyes began
5convert trash into leveraged derivatives! The Space Bankers were the first to see the potential of this talent, possessed by a people who were mainly concerned with hunting moonrat
7from phoning the FDIC on my cellular by severing my forearms. "Nice try," I retorted, kicking impotently into the lower air. The guards began to laugh, pointing at my bleeding