Finished Folds (221—240)
2"Yes, if people knew they would cower in fear from their crispers", the nurse continued. "But I don't keep my bananas in the crisper", Veronica said hoping not to be lumped with
3"WHAT DID THAT BITCH SAY", asked the woman at the tailend of The Rapture. "What", asked a woman rising besides her. "THAT BITCH YELLED AFTER US LIKE WE WERE HOLLABACK GIRLS!"
4my upstairs neighbor was pissing off his balcony again. I shrugged it off as proactive steps for the next time my arm got stung by jellyfish. On the lawn the frogsong was picking
0Was busy considering the hymen: the hymen is neither confusion nor distinction, neither identity nor difference... Suddenly the other dogs of the neighborhood started howling. They
4hick by a long stretch but he did have definite ideas of what constituted a proper pickle and a pickled iPhone did not fit the bill. And not just because he was choking on it now.
4what once was old becomes new again. That was the sales pitch for the new fashion line Amish Revelation. It bombed with it's target audience, Plain Folk, but was a smash with New H
3As I batted it away I surmised it must have some sort of x-ray vision that allowed it to see that my skull was, in fact, cracked. This was no run of the mill cyborg. I trapped it
2as usual was served at brillig but my new girl served it up with some ghastly lady fingers she claimed were all the rage in White Chapel. They were tasty but I let her go anyway.
5All 3 whipped their heads around to discover that Chandler Bing had snuck up on them. He asked again , "did you mean Trent?" They all said in unison, "NO!". In a puff he was gone.
4so I could experience doing them all over again for the first time. But I knew it wasn't worth it because I would have to go through the bad shit also. At least I had Paris, Texas.
6until milk flew out of my nose and white coolant flew out of his olfactory unit. We stopped to see the mess we had made and do it all over again. Sadly he was taken offline today.
7Think of the tater tots. Would somebody for once think of the tater tots! Moving from one frying pan to another always wondering if the next one will be their last. Then one day
0aware of the situation but did not feel further investigation was warranted. If new evidence were discover they would revisit the issue. Please direct any questions to your local
3But having since moved to a new neighborhood with none if the Irish elements of the old the best he could do now was a Dirty Sanchez or Cleveland Steamer and the occasional reach
3Firstly, by skillful use of The Invisible Hand she milked your prostate with not even a 'how do you do'. She then redid your taxes for the last five years. Can you say REFUND?!!!!
8but it caused unacceptable paranoia. Next they tried e but that ended up with too many strange bedfellows the Hillaries did not want or need. Then someone suggested k. It just
3And Major Tom knew this which explains why he ran off to space on a mission he had to have known was one way. Luckily the spiders of Mars saved him until the Cha Cha Changes when
4part of her reminded her to Hate The Sin Love The Sinner but her non-cannibal half was thinking that Sinner is dinner. It was actually lunch time so the story had to stop until 1PM
3becoming frantic as the implications of being bald became clear to him. Fast women would be faster & loose women looser; to fast & loose for the likes of him. Ken fell to his knees
4we can do this the hard way and a bunch of you die or we can do this the easy way and everybody goes home to their families", said a voice from Beyond. Somebody chose hard.