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  • tried her hardest to remember the origins of the situation she was currently in. Where did it start? Who was involved? Why is it happening? Where will it end? Rita pondered these

  • questions. Knowing the answers, but not admitting it to herself. She hated feeling this way. If only she could just stop...

  • time. If she concentrated, she could slow it down for short periods. It made it easier to catch the bus, but then she saw the gray men from the corner of her eye.

  • She tried her best to act nonchalant, but she could see from the corner of her eye that the gray men were eyeing her from the corners of their eyes. The bus pulled up, slowly, and

  • disgorged a steady stream of grey men, all of whom turned immediately upon exiting and looked at her, their eyes covered by shades. She turned & walked slowly from the bus stop,

  • as grey was not her favourite colour. Upon leaving the bus stop, she decided to buy some rose coloured glasses, which would improve the situation but then remembered she was

  • colour blind. DANG IT! How was she supposed to perceive the world as more pleasant than it really is? She supposed the only other option would be to watch back to back re-runs of

  • Hercules and stare at Kevin Sorbo's malleable torso, only to find she much preferred the body type of Salmoneus. Hahaha. Those crazy anachronistic ancient Greeks. Thank the HUB.



  1. Zetawilk Nov 20 2012 @ 18:51

    I like how from Rita Repulsa to Kevin Sorbo, it's almost bookended by 90s television.

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