Sometimes, we have to fight for the ones

  • Sometimes, we have to fight for the ones we love. Even if the ones we love happen to be androphobics in HR with large tummies and penchants for sausage.

  • But then, who doesn't hanker for sausage?

  • He said, ran away and ate the stolen sausages in a corner. He decided that he wanted a drink. But stealing water isn't easy... And he had a plan.

  • First he had to make sure his master was asleep.He crept silently to the side of the bed. Well, not asleep, but "busy." Good enough.He thirstily climbed up to the edge of the toile

  • rs holiday calendar and began marking off proposed days leave. That would be one less for you, three less for you, and you...and 39 days extra for me! Now he could travel to the

  • Nerdfest '16 in comfort and leisure. He packed 3 pairs of grey slacks, a Captain Picard costume, a Silurian mask, a value pack of Pot Noodles, a pair of socks, a packet of toffees,

  • a six pairs of Star Wars underwear and his Captain America pajamas. He looked forward to Nerdfest each year because it was the only time he could ever get a girl to talk to him. He

  • Spoke fluent Klingon and was offered a part in the next Star Wars film, due out in 2018. This was a brand new character, and his nerdiness was just what Sir Maxwell Hammer wanted.

  • Only, he forgot that there were no Klingons in Star Wars. Not even the Expanded Universe. Maxwell Hammer's script was ultimately rejected, and Roger Ebert would later pan the

  • movie after the script was reworked to have Spock replace Han Solo, Jabba the Hut replaced by Khan & the carbon block replaced by a photon torpedo coffin. You can't kill Spock!



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