I suffer from foldingstory Déjà-vu. You

  • I suffer from foldingstory Déjà-vu. You may think I mean when I add to a story, I have the feeling that I have seen this line somewhere before, but its much more disturbing than

  • that. I have, in fact, lived out many of the finished stories we've created. Lived them out before they were written. Either it's all a giant multifaceted conspiracy or FS Déjà-vu

  • but you may never know the truth because not one of the stories I have started have ever finished since I started. Yes, I have made a strong contribution and for what? Because I

  • realize now that I am taking FoldingStory waaaaay to seriously. You know what "they" say, right? It's all about the journey, not the destination. Still, I'd like to think that my

  • destination doesn't reassemble that bus station outside Crewe where I saw the corpse on a coach. What if my 'journey' involves sitting next to a sweating obese drunk who's chatty?

  • "In that case, you're in luck." Orson Welles handed over the flask and began to describe in excruciating detail the plot of his next intricate art film. "... and then the kangaroo,

  • finds a sled under a baobab tree in the middle of the outback, but this is no ordinary kangaroo." "Uh Mr. Welles," the producer said, " you already did with a film with a sled."

  • "So what? This will be a re-imagining. People eat that up these days. Now shut it and get me a roast chicken." His assistant sighed. "Yes, Mr. Welles. Served on a sled?" "Don't be

  • ridiculous." This assistant was clearly an idiot. Mr.Welles decided then he'd fire him and hire a new one tomorrow. Maybe a young brunette. But only after he got his chicken.

  • On his way home he stopped of at the chicken shop and purchased a fine looking specimen. "Nice." He said. "Bwaak!" The chicken agreed. Another day over, another assistant gone.



  1. SlimWhitman Jun 29 2015 @ 05:49

    Mr. Welles likes his birds...

  2. Debber Jun 29 2015 @ 12:18

    I'm of the opinion he should give the assistant's job to the chicken. But that's just me.

  3. Perronicus Jun 29 2015 @ 15:38

    A bird with basic communication? Should do fine as an assistant.

  4. 49erFaithful Jun 29 2015 @ 17:58

    How about a donkey as an ASSistant.

  5. Debber Jun 29 2015 @ 18:02

    Assistants do have to mule things back and forth.... sorry. ;)

  6. 49erFaithful Jun 29 2015 @ 18:08

    A good ASSistant knows to burro their head in their work.

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