It was 10:30 at night. The sky had turned

  • It was 10:30 at night. The sky had turned a sullen orange, and Jake felt more alive than ever before. The blood that oozed from his ears and eyes didn't worry him. The green ooze

  • leaking from his nipples might be a sign of disease, or a mating call. Jake decided to keep a positive attitude, and go shirtless to the nightclub, chest smeared with blood and gre

  • En Kool-aid. "I'm ready, I can do this," he muttered to himself walking up the stairs to the club. Strobelights were flashing, the place was packed. He scanned the room looking

  • like he'd just stepped out of a disco hall. Polyester shirt, white leather bell-bottom pants, huge afro, dark sunglasses and gold chain. He had it all. But he was a man on

  • parole across state lines without a permit. "That's a violation," said the parole umpire. "I hereby eject you from the free world." "No! We saw him first!" said the fashion police.

  • The fashion police were distracted by the massive internal investigation going on. Apparently, someone on the inside was

  • accepting bribes from men wearing 70s flared, tight crotch and testicle separating trousers. The fashion police had been corrupted. The internal investigations team would review

  • their Mission Statement - Bardot's "You have to suffer to be beautiful". The fashion police were corrupt and depleted from platform sole and spaghetti strap injuries. Their unifor

  • ms said it all: bland khaki polyester and flat Buster Brown shoes. Trying to pass off these uniforms as haute couture, the fashion police strode confidently down the Champs Elysee

  • which soaked their denim turn-ups. No less than ten effeminate men were dispatched to defrock the fashion offender & probe him with some routine interrogation in his holding cell.



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