The first rule of the ancient and sacred

  • The first rule of the ancient and sacred Chinese martial art Hei Yu Fu is:

  • to fight for your right to party. The second rule is to campaign for suicide Tuesday for all those who disobey the rules. The third rule is to stretch before you

  • run before you walk, you might pull something. The fourth rule is that anyone who rolls 3 straight doubles is a witch and should be heated as such. The fifth rule is that lima bean

  • crayons and black construction paper are used to keep score. No lima bean crayon, no game, no exceptions. The sixth rule is that anytime two players land on the same square

  • 's wife, they have to duel with pocket protectors sheathing their mechanical pencils. The winner may sit on the square's wife's lap while watching the directors cut of "Bisecting

  • Man: The Untold Story" (still unrated).They squared off, circling and eyeing each other's posture and mechanical pencils until one lunged forward with an encompassing thrust. Geome

  • is a stupid name. Geome. It's like the name of a smug Italian.

  • Geome shrugged his shoulders while raising his eyebrows and saying "Ehhhhhh," He had big Italian eyebrows and big brown eyes and big ears and big shoes. He's quite smug, it's true.

  • Geome also had a big mouth, a big deficit in his bank account, a big appetite for Little Debbie cakes, a large collection of Notorious B.I.G. recordings, a medium-sized

  • collection of Big Macs that had been sitting on his shelves for the better part of a decade without any visible signs of decay (He was saving it for the inevitable apocalypse).



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