Maybe it's just me, but do any of you write

  • Maybe it's just me, but do any of you write something in FoldingStory & then weeks go by before what you wrote pops up again & you think, "Did I really write that? That's so weird

  • . It's not really me at all. My writers shrink calls it the vu jade effect. But I have my own theory. I think i have alien hand syndrome. My hand writes rogue folds when I'm not

  • restrained, which is more often than is wise. I used to think that my humor was evolving, but it was just my alien hand. Its folding mind is far superior to mine. I take credit for

  • finding FoldingStory on accident while pursuing my napkin folding hobby, but my alien hand is the reason I have 8179 points. Even though I'm usually drunk when I write my folds, my

  • super speed reading abilities usually mean I don't lose the plot. My drinking wasn't a problem it was my lack of folding. I decided to quit my job as a paper mill worker and fold

  • manilla folders.

  • I take it that this is it. I take the manila folders and go? No answer. I picked up the folders, walked out the door, dumped them in the canal and caught the last train to Oban.

  • Once I arrived in Oban I sought out my old friend Angus McGuyver. He kept a skiff down near the North Shore jetty and sure enough there he was when I got there. He was using catgut

  • to floss his teeth, pausing every so often to smirk knowingly at a nearby seagull. My stride down the dock became walking the plank - yes, that was butter greasing his chest.

  • The ship I had scheduled arrived on schedule. The porter took my baggage aboard and I followed. Where the ship went I didn't yet know, but my lottery winnings had paid for it all.



  1. SlimWhitman Jul 27 2016 @ 04:56

    I think this is the first alien hand syndrome foldingstory. Alien hand knows how to write a story! http://foldingstory.com/b6lwg/

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