All of the world's problems began billions

  • All of the world's problems began billions of years ago with a single belch.

  • The belch released a colossal bubble of Chaos which floated up, smacking the chins of an infinite ancient stack of turtles standing on top of each other. The Chaos Bubble flipped

  • -dee-doodled all the live long day until I grew dizzy with delight.Stars fell on Alabama and I hitchiked on Route 66 to the Galaxy of dreams, red, white and blue.The Queen of Chaos

  • was busy watching a thrilling cricket test match between the state of Louisiana and England. The match had just broken for tea when I decided to telephone the Queen of Chaos

  • . It was not a convenient time to call. It's never a convenient time to call the Queen of Chaos as she can never find the phone & when she's found it she shouts. I suggested declut

  • tering techniques for her (the Chaos Queen) to try. That was one of the rare times she found her phone amidst the mountains of debris. She didn't appreciate the unsolicited advice

  • that her friend Zelda had left in a voicemail, "You really need to dump Waldo and get on with your life". Not that she was wrong (he was an utter dolt), but what business was it of

  • Hers, unless she could read his mind? F. Scott Fitzgerald entered the room, carrying the Great Gatsby. Here it is, he told Zelda. Waldo got wind of this and crashed his car. End of

  • The cycle and the smooth crush of modernity as the spoils of dead gods littered the streets up to the barricades of a revolution you hoped weren't the lies of our past. Like so

  • many dreams, the dead gods faded in the dawn's harsh light, and what once was a sacred magic was now just a folded story on a monitor in some stranger's home, no longer mattering.



  1. Woab Sep 18 2016 @ 12:20

    A belch, a blip...

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