Bye bye my old hard drive. I put you in the

  • Bye bye my old hard drive. I put you in the fridge and hoped something survived. This will be day my hard drive died. The hot weather has not made it any better for it to survive.

  • Dang. Don McLean was trying waaaay to hard to update his lyrics to American Pie. He had hopes of Ke$ha doing a remix of his song, but he just couldn't get it right. He tried again.

  • And again. And again. And again. Despite the adage, practice was not making perfect. Ke$ha said to Don McLean, "

  • Let's get drunk on whiskey & rye at the levee." While Don McLean & Ke$ha were partying Robert Plant drove up with a pink carnation in a pickup truck & said the levee was gonna brea

  • if it kept on raining, the levee was gonna brea. Robert had lost use, and even the simple knowledge of, the letter "k". McLean was giving Ke$ha a hickey on her $ sign. Now jealous,

  • Ke$ha was putting on her catsuit. In her new video, she played a singing Siamese cat who studied nanophysics. McLean was the director of the video, and producer extraordinaire.

  • Ke$ha's catsuit was made out of camelskin meaning she really had a cameltoe. She also had an allergy to humps, so she sued McLean for suggesting she wear the suit in the video.

  • She spent the rest of the day in a drum circle with 22 other strangers. There had been a mound of 7 rattlesnakes in the center of the circle. Ke$ha never felt so close to a snake.

  • Ke$ha looked deeply into the snake's eyes. She felt she could read it's reptilian brain. "For the love of all things scaly, stop the drumming! I have a headache," it was thinking.

  • Ke$ha giggled. "You know," she whispered. "You're kinda cute without your glasses." The reptillian sighed. "If I marry you, do you stop the drumming?" Ke$ha cried: "Oh yes!!"



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