Finished Folds (2981—3000)
7Most guys weren't like him. For example, he put his pants on both legs at a time. I tried that once and got a bloody nose for it. He'd walk
3of the bottle. His genius plan was to gather enough child gold from Goldshlagger consumption to trade for a live child on Craigslist. He'd harvested over 13.5 oz from 114 bottles
5the sub's industrial strength prop ejected 90% of the pool's water onto his dad's new convertible Jag. Tommy yelled expletives and such but none of his friends could hear him from
6me by the balls. I'd known about it for sme time of course, but now that my editor was calling on the regular I couldn't type a damn page. I stood up
5So did the 15 egg and 12 cheese omelets. I'd been staring at the egg pyramid for over an hour waiting for a table at this joint and had eaten the entire bowl of toothpicks. They
6and just get sloppy again. JC ambled over to Mary and
4Sometimes the worms 'do the worm'. Dennis Rodman
5bucket of paint, boy!" I brought it to him unaware that he was going to slosh it all over the monitor in a misguided attempt to create a fresh digital canvas. "Uh, I don't think
3Angel's Landing in Zion Nat'l Park. The line for the 2nd mothership extended from Utah into Arizona and down into Mexico. There was almost an international incident when
6see if he could do a loop-de-loop over the Grand Canyon with one hand tied behind his back and a good beer buzz. So he flipped off his Chief of Security, climbed into the JetCopter
2palace of the fifth Aztec emperor, Montezuma. They sought his revenge for excessive gluttony during taco night. They found it the next morning and most of the afternoon as well...
3were quickly gathered by the tin man. The lion sat sobbing in a blubbery mass in the corner. Toto barked at the crow over Harry's head but Dorothy
1ever she wanted and I always looked on with envy. She'd just start going to town on herself in the middle of book club, sleadily licking her special doggie parts and then
1were groaning and wallowing in a vat of lard while JeanPaul and Chelsea slowly rubbed marinade into each other's
4Helga's husband John in tattered filthy overalls, holding a sawed off pitchfork. His murderous scowl was the final thing they saw after horning in on poker night for the last time.
1(well, mostly high - mighty, not so much) and spouts out of his pie hole about
3Pssst, hey. Yeah. Yeah, you. You wanna get loco? Try this: shave the inside of 2 bananas and dry it for 3 days. Then get some bufotoxin from a psychoactive toad's back warts and
4looked like, some kind of idiot? Like I'm supposed to believe Oprah personally approved this Chinese hot pocket. The friggin nerve of this dame! So I took the hot pocket and I
2poured it down the large coin slot that appeared as she bent over to
4fuckin corndog would be great at a ballgame but I want something really unusual. Surprise me. So the server went back to the kitchen and told the chef to