Finished Folds (21—40)
2on the lips. This is one saucy story I tells ya. Stella wiped her mouth and regarded Steve the lackluster dingo. Stella resolved to level with Steve. "Alright Steve, let's toss
1literal bullets as his blood turned to metal. The thickening completed quickly. A soul floated up leaving just a statue to warn the others. His debt was finally repaid.
1to live with the Princess in his rockpile down by the river once he became a knight. He was sure she'd oblige. All he needed was a dependable system for dealing with leaks.
2jammed handfuls of jalapenos down their pants. There was quite a bit of squirming, but at least they kept mostly quiet during the short film. The part that really intrigued me was
3might be enough to get me in at the next after-school meeting of the Dudes Only Really Know Sorcery club that I'd been pining over since 3rd grade. I knocked on the door.
4marveled at his recent narrow escape from the gaping maw of the washed up sperm whale he'd mistaken for dead. Gilbert paid the cabbie, grabbed a large coffee to go and slapped
5Thing is, sayings about Abilene cows uddered by those drunker than skunks are more useless than tits on a boar hog. And anudder thing is, *pause to chug XXX whiskey jug*
2Now standing in your heart is where I want to be; and in the warm hold of your loving mind is where I long to be. Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind... {fading harmonica}
4water to a fish. This isn't my first rodeo Drive." "I dunno what it is about you, but I'm going to go ahead and ignore all your references and have you start Tuesday. Set up on the
4make a dress made of light from the islands appear shabby and tarnished but then she could say the one thing that would make anything all right. Esmirelda was a walking test of cha
10treated shabbily by Poseidon, and I saw my opening. I set my mermaid up in a cozy aquarium in my apartment and headed out for an aggressive negotiation with Mr. P. I knew
7rectum?" "It's not my fault - I was DRAWN this way!" he exclaimed. Minnie narrowed her eyes. "Say what you will," Minnie continued "but you've got a choice right now. Either
7a stray dog was having sex with my leg while an apparent vagrant with access to high end audio-visual equipment recorded it. "Woof". I said. I need to make some changes.
6I grabbed a fistful of cinnamon from the altar on my way out the door in case I needed to blow it in the eyes of any following assailants. If it would just have been nutmeg, I w
2plugged in to a Google-AI treadmill for 12 hours a day, but I had failed to invest in the FoldingStory IPO & watched in horror as my fellow folders reaped billions. In 2910 I hope
4the plebes below. Thanos had it all wrong. Instead of halving life, it needed to be doubled. As God, it was my purpose to inseminate as many living things as possible. I looked
6of her White Russian, nodded, and went back to her soaps. It was at that point that the Real Toddlers of Orange County producers knew they had a hit on their hands. "What we need
3incense smoothies and call it a day, m'kay?" JimBob frowned at the clerk. "Just ring up this scroll saw and everything will work out fine." "Well," said the clerk "let me
3oretically possible that he had unleashed The Singularity with that last bit of code he'd hammered out last night? He opened up his browsing notes and saw "YOU BUILT IT. I CAME."
4two sizes too small and accentuated what used to be a cute little faerie pot belly but was now a bloated goblinesque gut. "That's IT!" she said "Today is the day I start