Finished Folds (1501—1520)
4reum this side of El Paso. This tacoreum had bluefin tuna tacos smothered in red cabbage remoulade with crispy shoestring quinoa strips on top. They had grassfed buffalo tongue
6basket, her breathing. She took 2 short and then 1 long. I asked for more iced tea. Where was my penne? 32 holes in the ceiling tiles. 142 ceiling tiles. 4,544 holes. She passed
4you'd best believe that's a check. I rolled. 4; 3; 6. I looked at the 1040A. -If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not check box 6a.- Hmmmm. I looked at the map board. Nope.
6"Ahem" he said. "The suggestion box was completely empty again except for this message: I AM HORNY. All caps. Now, this leads me to believe
4soon found ourselves hauling out 4 family size boxes of raktajino. They were godawful salty but the memory of those skintight bodysuits on the buxom Klingon associates quenched
5the children? Would the past be over? How many hands had he shaked? It was a world of madmen & uncertainty & potential mental losses. Wizard GWB3 stood in the shower, pontificating
4My kindergartener has an upcoming science fair and I can't decide whether she should dissect C. elegans embryos or develop a GIS-based habitat model for Sceloporus graciosus.
1common enemy. The smokers scheduled a meeting of the minds with the dopers. Yanni had to be stopped. At all costs. This piano playing would not stand. But first
5it! Bad dog! Bad!" He just wagged his tail at me & tried to lick me with what I was sure was tuna salad breath. So I set up a hidden camera. I hit record and left another sandwich
2ine I looked around & realized 10 years had got behind me. No one told me when to run; I'd missed the starting gun. All these other loonies on the dark side of the moon were
5chunky, with extra cilantro, just like my guacamole. The art displayed at this musical cinema was rotund, and forceful, with big child-bearing hips and soft eyes just like my
2cked he and his entire Dorito Crumb family up into heaven. Little crumb Jimmy had watched the horrific Oreo cleanse on Tuesday and he knew he was meant for bigger things. He met
2out a pair of tweezers. With one deft pluck Helena transformed into a total babe. She'd been skeaky hot this whole time and I just hadn't picked up on it. She said "How would you
5It was an epic battle of the calculated button pusher relying on timing & skill vs. the anarchistic button masher who just hit as many buttons as fast as possible. Ryu punched Ken
4smeared PB while I smeared J. We considered our next move as we ate. Our papers were lost, that was clear. But would Congress
7is a spiral, and I was trapped inside. I'd spent two summers at the ren faire biding my time, getting in deep. My appetite for vengeance was matched only by
3He drank water out of a wine glass and froze his dark chocolate. You may not think that's weird, and if so, you're weird. The really weird thing
1not an appropriate choice for T.A.'ing Woman's Studies 210 but the administration was so disconnected with reality they didn't have a clue about his nature. Jason had an epiphany
3of his girth. His hand barely fit him. He should've been off shtupping some equally impossibly proportioned female and getting paid for it. But instead, he hit rock bottom when
4some vintage Korn. Sure enough, Larry DuPre suffered a brain hemorrhage and needed a deep spinal tap to ease the suffering. He sued, claiming the lyrics were "indecent, vulgar