Finished Folds (3641—3660)
1He took out his reading glasses and looked at the history book he had to teach from. It was 500 pages total and weighed three stone. How intimidating that felt at times.He turned
4I pulled Beaver Cleaver out of retirement. He had a beard now and looked like a professor! He was a painter now, like Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond, his musical and artistic idol. Roger
2Then Hamlet joined them and the evening was splendidly poetic...until the anaesthetis wore off the audience. Hamlet was on stage so he didn't take the yellow pill. It made the
0It was not politically correct to use these words but Count Tentacles did not give a rat's rump about political correctness. So he told social justice warriors to go to hell. They
7Hamlet pondered this question after taking Prozac in the morning with breakfast. His black journal had one page entries with margin notes and errand lists. Today he had to go to
1Everything seemed wakiwawa grey and electron blue, simultaneously. The elephant in the room, Otto, whispered in her ear: "Put the message in the box, put the box into the car,
2This was life in the post everything world...and it took getting used to. Her grandpa felt it too. It was their karma to have Tootsie reborn as a labradoodle puppy. Life was rather
2Together they went out as cat people and put out fires with gasoline. Then they went home as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, life was more interesting than ever before.
2There was a lot of gold there. This was to be top secret, for obvious reasons. No humans or humanoids. Could enter these mines, they were too small. Not even antmen could find them
3He grew fur, horns and a tail. Suddenly he had four legs. The yellow fairies said, "Welcome to Middle Earth. This is your new home." He wanted to call Mum, but there was no phone.
3The drain was always clogged as it happened. I learned plumbing, fast, or some basics of it. The humanoid janitor was growing grey fur and a tail. Time was fleeing out the windows.
1This one was like an octopus and had tentacles. It was global this time, not local. That was not the worst of it. This octopus spoke to me. "Hiya!", it said to me. It knew my name!
2Arranged the bathroom. Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks started to sing their famous song of the same title. I had no idea there was such a song! It made me feel better after all
1Did some research at the library. One floor led to another until I found myself not on the 9th floor but on the first. Following the stairs was the way to get what I needed.
2Were uneducated and still knew what they needed to know, in order to survive. They were not stupid." Brutus went to Starbucks and brought everyone mocha cappuccino. It was overdue.
1Way to make extra cash these days. You held your nose and did it. Period. No one learned spelling like in the last century, when schools were better. It was bear mush now, my mum
1Chuckles The Clown hid behind the counter as Alice and the White Rabbit came in, carrying photographs. Piles of them. They took a table and sat down. Then...all hell broke loose.
2Of unsightly souvenirs of the research. Hypodermic needles, test tubes, gravitars, clavicles, horns, mouse tails and more. You can imagine my disgust when I found it years later.
3This Autopoint pencil was aptly named. It had a mind of its own. I drew all night using it on the plotter and it made a mandala. It even left me a note written on scrap paper:
1This was open mike night at the Kat Klub. I had poetry to read, due to be published soon. This was a sneak preview of I would return here to autograph copies for my fans.