Finished Folds (161—180)
6was genetically engineered by my niece to periodically dip into my pocketbook, emerge with a $100 bill & text her to come collect it.And it only came in SECOND at the science fair!
4My associate wedged his way inside, gun to the head of the cowering homeowner. "You must've heard many sales pitches, Sir, but I assure you OUR shoe polish is not only 16% shinier
7"Halt! Only a virgin may wield me." "Does looking at dirty pictures count?" asked Clancy worriedly. The magic sword bowed deep:"I am thine to command." "Yay! Your first assignment
4mouth of his own missus "'s she don't talk none about this deed, or period." But his wife, tho illiterate, tried to inform cops down at the station in sign language of the mur
5"OK I swear!" "Is this her? Didn't know she's THAT pretty!" Thus the old man in an aside to me once I'd delivered. I shrugged. If a hooker loaded with STD is what floats his boat..
3Jerry's boss sighed:"The boob job was gonna be Stella's bonus, but I'll convince the board." "I love you boss!" "Please don't." Jerry imagined his wife's surprise at the new him.
5with pinches of lint. But then a hush fell & the Bee Gees sounded & John Travolta danced rings around him. "Boss, he kills you!" cried one minion, exposing the pickpocketing scheme
10He raced to the ER in his undies cradling Vince & laid him on an operating table & wore scrubs in lieu of clothing. A nurse handed him a saw. "But." "Saw now, doc, or we lose him."
6But Mumble Jumble's proprietor realized things had gone too far when Yoda & Jar Jar spent an entire day trying to understand each other, just cuz Jar Jar asked him for the time.
5.." Tony paused mid-speech, seeking the right word. "Irrevocable?" suggested Joe. "Yeah!" Tony's look softened & his trigger finger relaxed."You & I..we.." "Complement each other?"
2She blinked:"But aren't you..I mean..(clumsy mimicry of flying)". "I DO travel lots, but I'd've made time for us." Flustered, she indicated a fruit bowl.He left chomping on a pear.
9Placing his corpse beneath the electro-transmitter, she yelled:"E-gore, do it now!" E-gore looked up from his comic book & hit a switch. The "thing" came to life & began to wail.
5cackling:"I know I left my glasses here SOMEWHERE!" "Grandma," you urge "this is a TSUNAMI!We don't need your &$%#* glasses now!" "But I won't be able to watch GOT! I've not missed
3wards to hate on my husband. "OMG," said my counselor "you look like someone who got hit by a truck!" *I'd rather discuss Dan, that SOB." "But you're bleeding onto my couch!" "Stop
2The knight argued so intently on his cel with the provider he blindly rode into an ambush. "I don't care if Verizon is 2% cheaper I'm keeping Sprint!!" The marauders gawked- 2%?! "
6phone every person you were jealous of in high school and break the good news. Step 6: SOS the White House that as the new Prez you'll need a Jacuzzi in the family theater. Step 7:
6By now the protest had become a riot & anyone suspect of eating smoke bombs was harassed by the mob. "Hey, I saw that guy eat one!" I opened my mouth to deny, & smoke billowed out.
3a notorious serial killer..what more could a man want? Yet I felt incomplete, somehow. A rustle from betwixt the shadows alerted my attention.Twas a she, also keen to slay innocent
6s. "Dorothy, I'm worried about you. You've not been the same since that tornado." Dorothy stared up from her body cast: "What makes you say that, my pretty..I mean Aunt Em?" "Well,
6attack took a nibble & smacked his lips:"The cook KILLED this one. Dibs on his navel." The cook was read his rights & carted off, McArtattack tagging along jotting down the recipe.