Finished Folds (201—220)
3left shin. It had been a hard day on the track and he was ready to call it today. Quite suddenly, a large mountain rose up in front of him, covered in edible sea urchins. "What is
5"Is this about the wallaby?" the groom asked. The priest was silent. The groomsmen didn't want to waste anything, so they spent the rest of the day getting themselves drunk.
4no man has ever seen it and lived. The last man who tried to play it lost two of his fingers and an eye." Roberto decided not to find the Ukelele. It was, after all, rather silly.
6wasn't going to work like it did last time. She went on a long journey to find her inner-self, but she ended up finding a strange old man in a speedo, mumbling under his beard.
5Raven then flew away to find more to torment. Found little girl on swing. Little girl not on swing now. Found little boy eating ice cream. Little boy not eating ice cream now.
4eturned to life, he retired from society. He took his days to smoking pipeweed in his parlor and inviting young British hermits to his house to recount ancient stories to him.
5and voguish wine stewards!" The crowd went silent. The creepy old man in the corner threw a banana at him and screamed, "He's a loon! GET HIM." The crowd mobbed him, throwing
6could find the secret codex that unlocked Nathaniel's inner-consciousness. Of course, the Shallisties were in possession of the codex, and they weren't willing to give it to Lydia.
4but most of all, Ayn hated physics. So, with the liver machine in possession, she decided her next move would be to break physics. Once she found a kind lawyer, she would be ready.
6planning on making that walking taco now, SlimWhitman?" SlimWhitman fumed. "You are a fool, FatWhitman, and you will pay for your transgressions against Mexican cuisine!"
6I looked out over the sprawling landscape, colored with rich greens, purples, and oranges. I felt my heart leave my chest and sail through the open air to find my father's arms.
4Eh. I've got nothing." The whole world laughed at Sarcasticman's genius. Santiago was ashamed of his existence and vanished from civil society. They found his body in
3wore the prettiest clam chowder dresses, made of genuine clam shells and fringed strips of half-cooked bacon. You could smell her a mile away. One day, the dogs ate her.
3I did impress the semi-permeable membrane next door. I threw my clothes into the wash and went over to say hello to her. She didn't speak to me because she was a membrane, I guess.
3and refined.... Pure and refined? Are we talking about the same FoldingStory here? Jimmy munched on an orange, trying to cure his scurvy, when the doctor walked in and asked, "Why
9"Is it possible to write a serious, dramatic work of literature on FoldingStory?" The FoldingStory community laughed. "No."
2"Someday, Tomas, we will go over those mountains. What do you think is on the other side?" Tomas shook his head. "I don't know, Matthias. Green hills? Clear, fresh water?"
4All ye beware. The great Guinea Pig Purger has come. He shall cleanse the world of all wickedness--and guinea pigs.
6He was a slobbish lowlife. He lounged around on his couch all day, downing a few bags of potato chips every few minutes. One day, his life changed when a young salesman arrived at
3I just laughed. The story was completely ridiculous. "You expect me to believe that?" I asked. But Rodrigo was insistent. "I saw it--a lawyer committing a random act of kindness."