Finished Folds (21—40)
2off." I said. "..and put it in my sandwich." I like women how I like my sandwiches: plastic and in my mouth. After the ipecac vomit session, I called the midget minions for a ride.
1at the front entrance, made a heinous face and flexed his arms with an enormous erection. "There's no retiring this!" Mr. Mason said.
6with tar an feathers. He couldn't find his underpants and it was all he could find now trapped in the garage. "Tina must have a feather fetish with all these feathers here." He tho
2gandor of goslings. One learned morse quack and a sailor translated. We're fucked now. Kill the goose or the sailor? Ah forget it. I wonder what else this gosling knows. Did it
2my hairdresser. She always assumes I want a high and tight. She also follows my twitter feed. HASHTAG KILLED THE QUEEN won't allure the authorities. Just my mother and her nosey
5only spitting up half digested pigeons and seagulls. That was a positive highlight. But the corpse whistle
1top drawer, dispensed by a lever on the bed side. The perfect placement may be a retirement center. Those glaucoma blind spots really mess with hallucinogenic trips. She would have
4...well...Pretty easy, actually. They could be beat friends and steal bacon for a living dressed like that. In fact, underpants make great headwaters for the weathered traveler.
5over my wife with my bare feet. I'd rather run her over but this will do. That will give me a WOODY. Maybe she'll goto Lowe's afterwards and find a hobo worker to install cabinets
4the nearest cubicle wall down. "Am I a gong or a noisy cymbal?! Doesn't matter.. I have not loved." Jim then set the bible down and began undressing himself. Naked at the elevator,
5pumpkins, and my grandmothers wedding toe ring. "Dag nabbit! Those field lines are interrupting Wheel of Fortune!" Grandma said. Acting as if it were more important than her ring.
2This funny story starts with A bank teller gaining access to a time machine. He sat down and pulled the lever. **BFFFZZZGGFFGBZGZZBZZZZooooooopppP! "Oh mah GAWD!" he says.
2beliefs. "MY PRIT-EEEeeEE!" the Vice President said. He grabbed her by the throat, ripped off her black/pink stockings and magic broomstick, and flew off on it to go
4ll night in the middle of unpacking my things, I thought I'd try something AMAZING that NOBODY here in Vermont would even THINK to make with pottery! "This surely will make me $$."
3infatuated with cacophonous masticating sounds and struggled to maintain composure when in line to get food during lunch breaks from the Radio broadcast. Diane loved cat pictures
6to the beat of flagellating vocal tones that nobody could hear, but FEEL. The bass sounds resonated the fatty tissue and shortly, that became 1 of many new sign language terms.
4made windows shatter and boners arise from a long sleep. Someone watching had the triple-head-bang fetish that was prevalent in underground tribes and ritualistic
3back local Cuban horse tranquilizers that would make Shortys bets at the horse tracks even better! "STUPID TRADE EMBARGO! Gee-golly this is going to make me rich!"
2to see that my father had built a replica of Scrooge McDucks money pool. I had no idea his collection of hippo pubic hair would trade for so much bullion. "COME HAVE A JUMP IN!" he
5, and largely influenced by the one wordage mufflings in popular electronic music. Korn featuring Skrillex? Uh huh. Larry then won the case. The defendant was barred from Korn play