Finished Folds (121—140)
1nuff. His dream became a whirlwind of Oh my nose, it's always Marsha Marsha Marsha, and Bobby stole my Kitty Carryall. Then Oliver showed up, indicating the dream was about to end.
5Charlotte was one pissed off butterfly.
3It was Loan Shark Week on CNBC and all the anchors were replaced by thugs. Tony the Pony (yes, yes) was interviewing a victim of check cashing services. "50% interest, that's not
4broken clamshells and manowar venom with poison ivy oil. His surf and turf special wasn't tasty but it did
3hints to her husband to give her Brite Smile tooth whitening for Valentine's Day.
2The new marketing guy appeared to have missed the point of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty when he hired 14 "Dove Bitches" to work the trade show. Show 'hos he called them.
2speak in badly dubbed Tagalog.
3But no, they insisted on showing hours of Putin shirtless doing macho things. It was like chaste gay porn. When the camera centered on his ass running away on the trail, I knew Ivan
3They all had that harsh Soufside accent. They would talk reverently about Soldiers Field, and da Sox, and insisted on hot dogs with celery salt and a virtual salad of condiments.
1I was ready to take her home to Mom. But there was the problem of her gps Kartprotekt theft device. I decided to make a dash for it and pushed her across the parking lot. Suddenly,
2The Great Bird Rebellion was set off by overcrowding. 24 birds in a pie! That's not even enough room to think much less move. Their first kill was the baker, then they went after
3Becky and Biff were so clueless that they thought the 10 days of protest were at the Chi Rho house. Presumably about the drinking crackdown there at SMU. They decided to join the
5There was nothing fabulous about the Baker Boys. They were unemployed and spent their days playing PS3 and Eating Tuna Helper Cheesy Noodle. One night, Jim Baker
8Dear Abby, I am writing to ask about my husband's fetish. He likes to have me put on heels and a chimp mask, and call him Cornelius. What does it mean? Sincerely, LessThanZira
3his neat scotch and gave me a gleeful look. Checkmate. My thimble collection - the pride of Truth or Consequences New Mexico - as soon s the hemlock tea ended my life. Pinned,
1lay on the gurney as the dialysis tube was inserted into my arm. Next to me was Milton, who
3Who had passed and was in the doggie casket at the center of the mausoleum. The mourners milled about sniffing behinds, a fitting tribute, especially when done by people.
1realism. The first knockoff show, the Stoneflints, was about a
3patrons in his signature drink, the fishitini. One sardine in the bottom of the gales, three parts vodka, and two drops of the oil from the can. The trick is to wiggle the galas so
2pointed right at the Stucky's. It was perfect. The restaurant sign to end all restaurant signs. Duncan was certain this would boost sales so he could keep his business open.