Finished Folds (5161—5180)
3intelligent creatures, however, and had outwitted all who had tried to exterminate them. You see, cockroaches were remnants of an ancient civilization, a damned civilization.
4But I believed in Karma, so when the octogenarian finally died and I'd heard he left something to me in his will, I was pretty excited. So imagine my surprise the attorney informed
1to this extent clouded my judgement; I can admit that now. This is why I am now spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to the Mormons and Witnesses.When they come to my
4Cramer slumped in the corner at the holiday party.He was shy, awkward, didn't know how to talk to women. He was also quite homely. But when he stood, unaware, beneath the mistletoe
0ir assets to PBS, namely Sesame Street. Not to be outdone, Mr. Pigley contributed ALL of his bonus money, but not for prestige. No, he wanted to influence programming decisions
3freestyle. Creepy Clown Barista shoved two foam noodles up his nose before the next customer came into Starbuck's. " she comes now!" he giggled with menacing glee.
4entered the Holy of Wholies,that most sacred vestibule of Mother Cupboard's Church,snatching the holy colander from Bilbo's grasp and straining himself through it. Spaghetti Monste
4... Wait a minute. Wait a gosh darn Bloomberg minute. Stallman stalled as his hands hovered menacingly above his keyboard. He looked at the other programmers. "What the hell is SHE
3spians, as they are such drama queens. But back to the story. Yes, Hostess had made a huge error when they turned their attention to producing pasties instead of pastries. Glue and
5No response. Wow. Last resort: he pulled out a banana peel, laid it down on the sidewalk and slipped on it on purpose.THAT did it! They burst out laughing and handed him the vase.
2the producers into letting him produce another one, so popular was it among the hipster demographic. Who knew Newt was such a hoot? The ratings for Comedy and Calamity soared and
9dripped from above, clogging their instruments. It was sounded like s**t. The conductor raised his baton and smiled. S**t Symphony in B Flat was acoustically glorious in the cave!
3ng around on eggshells. Holding the tiny Taj Mahal in front of him (to hide the stain), he tried to make a graceful exit off the stage. And he would have too, if not for the mayor
4Buddy was such an architect.The Ultimate Playing Card Architect, if legends were true. He placed the next card on the top of the last spire, beads of sweat gathering on his brow.
3manual labor, if you know what I mean. Interestingly, Aardvark Man ultimately gained quite a following in the Bushland. It must had had something to do with his protruding teeth.
3Julia Child agreed to pose for him. But...Julia Child is dead, isn't she?
8Well. Hmmm. Not much more anyone could say about that. Didn't really bother me much, since I'm a sociopath. So the little Spanish-speaking guy just croaked. Big deal. I went on my
2Oh stop it. I'm here for cryin' out loud! I'm always here, ya damn fool! Now quit yur yappin and hand me that axe! Yes, SIMON SAYS. Bzzzzt. "OMG! I AM schizo!" Ernie cried.
4. Why, this was the very reason Harvard Law School sought clowns instead of history majors to enter their prestigious JD program. Clowns can juggle, are affable and good at
5spread to neighboring houses, then entire city blocks. Holy Smokes! Detective Manatee was the first on the scene and the first to realize that it'd been Cher who started the fire