Finished Folds (121—140)
0the past three weeks and he wasn't about to stop now. Jason eventually coerced Kevin out of hiding with some even more potent cocaine stored within his flashlight. At that point,
2of my Exploding Digestive Syndrome and exclaimed that my "talents" would be put to good use. The next day, I was trained in the ways of the suicide bomber by none other than
2all on the secret Jedi Enclave on Earth was eliminated. Some were hunted down by imperial inquisitors, but most fell prey to famine, substance abuse, or disease. Yoda's death was
1roaches had already won, I ran from the advancing masses of overgrown, filthy insects. I grabbed a shotgun from a fallen body and started blasting as I retreated.
3It was during her art exhibition entitled "**** you: The art of profanity" at the Edinburgh festival that she was kidnapped by ninjas.
8to the dolphin pens and apologise! The dolphin hijackers thought that Dr. Manatee had let them off lightly, until it transpired that the dolphins were also vampires and they were
2didn't go well, but only because they hired someone that was so drunk they had passed out, which I think is cheating. A good accountant is perpetually wasted, yet still wide awake.
3tail, I began my metamorphosis into my final form, backing the terrified class of teenagers and young adults back into a corner. Being the son of a zombie xenomorph queen and a
1Somewhere, out there in the darkness beyond my meagre circle of lamp-light, is my assassin. I step back from the veranda, closing the french windows behind me. I make sure to
1thing, I was unable to fire the flamethrower for more than 5 seconds without producing a huge cloud of flame and wasting a whole fuel cartridge. Those all-you-can-eat offers were
6She told her train-mother about this and she insisted on taking her to a mental health counselling session for trains. Suicide is not the answer, even if you are a train.
4BRATWURST AND BIER". It was too late, she had become infected with an all-consuming desire for terrible German cuisine. At least she was burning off some body fat (literally).
6"Are you kidding? It's in mint condition!" That forced the pawnbroker to admit that he didn't know what the object was. The seller then admitted that he didn't actually know either
3But what neither army expected was that they had been drawn into a trap! Both the elves and dwarves fell prey to the arrows of an unseen foe, lurking in the shadows.
4Ronald sighed. This new interactive role-playing game was turning out to be less of an exciting swashbuckling adventure and more of a dull slog through waves of incompetent enemies
4that "conscience" and "consciousness" are the same word. But anyway, these sexually suggestive lemons were "entertaining" the canned beans in the kitchen one night, when my son
1to charge his communications unit. Unfortunately, the balloon popped and Bob was no longer able to exert his calming influence over the rest of the panicked astronauts.
4their evil alien cattle overlords of Stavromula Beta. These space-cow farmers were notoriously cruel to their livestock and no-one really cared when their protonic quark accelerato
4Of course, that wasn't Kenny's worst skeleton in the closet, that would be the actual skeleton, but no-one could prove him guilty in court, so he doesn't really keep that a secret.
3ng to despair of all these in-jokes that kept finding their way into FoldingStories. It was too late though. The curse of BACON was spreading and only Spam Baby was pleased.