Finished Folds (121—127)
2no nothing reality that only contains an empty can of Spaghetti-o's and a plastic spoon that has dried to the side, a bottle of stale Guiness that long ago lost it's fizz, and
3whacker. It resembled a large sit and spin, with a peg, to keep you in place while the centrifical force from spinning caused your "whee" to "whack" on the
5Then he hesitated as he pondered his question. Was it a Freudian slip? Would they catch on that he was really referring to the flavor of the condoms? How did he KNOW?!?!
2ginger red-head perched upon the piano. "Had I been another man, at another age, in another town
2him," Kelly thought, as the assistant manager leaned in close and grasped his right hand. "When I was young, I thought they said 'Condom's and Mint's", she purred, as she
1Was lacking luster and in dire need of a remedy. "Let's have a cucumber festival"
4I couldn't help but smile blissfully as he soundly slept, freshly Naired and hog-tied in the bay window window-sill. Was the lipstick too much? Let's let the neighbors decide