Finished Folds (1—20)
1ripping through space set his pinkie toe to quivering.
4And the porn industry alike. Oddly enough the porn industry has more discerning taste than the commies which isn't surprising in light of the recent brew ha ha down South
5Roaches are so stupid the wasp said. I need bigger game to hunt. Hmmm lemme see, what about that lion. Yes I can totally take it down. I just need to locate my sharpener and my bad
1do what any mauve blooded, 3 tit stripper would do; the pee wee herman. I was the pee wee herman dance champion for 3 years running at our local chapter of the
1He was repulsed, yet oddly enough enchanted with the mood altering effect of the pronuncation of the letter "F". But sadly that same pronunciation made him wet himself then crave a
2all of this royal wedding madness. Nico, Placenta, Kate, whatever she was calling herself these days was making a huge mistake. I tried to reason with her, tried to tell her she
2generic midget. I needed the SPECIAL stuff. You know like the kind they use to make those dingbats on the lower east side next to Mama's Playhouse and Wash-a-teria. What in the
4Bentley guy will shoot you in the face with some low carb catsup. And now this is why I never leave home without my trusty bottle of green olives stuffed with whimsy and
3filled with red kool aid and giggles. The kool aid I could handle, but the giggle, man they were the worst. Everyone knew that and that is why no one made dance move jokes around
1upon his childhood friend and mentor Mr. Wiggles. Mr. Wiggles died in tragically a map making exercise gone horribly wrong. All of the mistakes of that day could be seen all over
5stupid ideas. Nothing in the heavens is stronger than a stupid idea. Well except for silly puddy. Everyone knew that. Silly puddy is what held it together the day that
3violin bow and proceeded to eek out a little Whitesnake. If he tweaked it just so he could make it sing just like David Coverdale. Nothing beats 80's hair band ballads. Except for
1cried with joy; I had been in a gang bang!
2explore and embrace her love of puns as well as another secret she had only dared to think about while hopped up on generic tic tacs or while getting her feet waxed at the local
1Miley Cyrus wanna be. Who in their right mind raises their kids to say such vile things to a member of the Sister Lutheran Gun Club? WHO? Midget strippers that's who. And lemme
1ripped out the appetizer section, blew his nose on it, stood up, wadded the snot infused in his fist and scream, "ALL RIGHT IF ANY OF YOUS GUPPIES ATTEMPT TO SING THAT SONG
3blew the lid off of the his life's work. How in the world would he explain this to Guappo? He felt so isolated yet he couldn't help but notice a warm tingling in his right ankle
1her will; iron clad only when approached by a 3 legged yak. Or Justin Beiber.
4was simply a phase; much like black tar heroin and Pokemon.
0the newest addition to the My Pretty Pony show. There was a mix up at the toy factory and Claude ended up pink and Maude blue. See this is what happens when bad early 80s synth pop