Finished Folds (2101—2120)
3What of the toad?
3KABOOM! Too late. And now there's an Aunt Valetta shaped hole in the ceiling and she's in orbit in her wheelchair and heading straight for the Russian space station. Uh oh.
8shipped at the altar of the High Priestess Ahmoon. Since then he hasn't managed to get a mortgage. Linked? I'm no conspiracy theorist but Walter Kringle is still sleeping on my sof
2Say my name
4The clay grew tall again like it always does.
4There was a time when the blue was bluer, I'm sure.
5Love wasn't there. They looked in all the cupboards and under the beds and behind the sofa. They didn't know where they could have lost it.
5sheer nerve alone. But Mayor McCheese forced burgers down Dennis Rodman's throat until his arteries furred up with fat so his blood, with nowhere to go, spurted out the top of hi
3Oprah's audience had fallen silent by now. Con Troll broke out into a sweat & wondered if it was something he'd said. He'd written the Troll Diet under a bridge in Cork so marketin
2He buried his nose into her hairy armpit and snuffled up the pheremones. European-style mating rituals were growing on him. Especially since it meant he never had to wash ever agai
4you correctly! Look at that water buffalo!" He took advantage of the following confusion to eat their iphone. They'd never look at twitter ever again. Genius!
6lf by planting my lime green Doc Marten against the wall. I shoved the back of my chair into the stomach of the waiter, also part time sumo wrestler. He held my head straight in 2
4here comes the weakest fold, cowering & snivelling in the corner. "Hey! Weakest Fold! Sharpen up or you're heading for a slap!" Hopefully that'll improve this fold's coherence.
6'btoad daylight' is the Tonganese phrase: 'day that makes you feel like zebra dung'. I slip that into conversation now & then but everyone in Witchita ignores me. The lost book
6. It was not a convenient time to call. It's never a convenient time to call the Queen of Chaos as she can never find the phone & when she's found it she shouts. I suggested declut
4thing, nuffink on the Lemime. Applum? Ha.... Ha..... Ha! Ohmagawd look what's coming. Only a Tangerapefruit. A pissed off Tangerapefruit that was dropped on its head by a Lemime
5vacant spiel & supressed rage. One day Bob Vantz woke up. He looked in the mirror & noticed he wasn't there. He called Air Conditioning Warehouse & quit. Walking down the street
2She slapped him upside the face. He spat out the watch and chowed down on her Uggs. She kicked him in the solar plexus. He foetal positioned while hanging onto her right leg. She
8erchief. "Why are you huffing on my scarf, Luc?" Eve asked questioningly. Luc, a world expert on electric fish, immediately put a battery on her tongue. Eve was entranced. She'd
3was a success! The problem with my ex girlfriend was that we try a 3some with her mother. She's a good-looking women & wearing the years well! I stuffed a turnip into the fuel tank