Finished Folds (141—160)
7leads to divorce, cuz it's put in the IKEA box as assembly instructions, with a plastic bag containing all the Allen wrenches you need minus 1 screw not sold at any hardware store
6My invisible boyfriends were never good enough for my parents. Their Pro/Con lists always had more Cons like: makes you pay for everything, uncommunicative, doesn't open doors
6my cockroach muster! Climbing over my twitching, dying comrades, I scuttled under the stove as the old lady went for the broom & dustpan, & asked myself what would Gregor Samsa do?
4that would engage him in an epic battle of sorcery. Criss Angel imprisoned the Brockengespenst in an impenetrable box made of only of toilet paper, but the Brockengespenst conjured
3I'm wondering if we could write an entire FS in which every character speaks only in questions or in which every sentence ends with a's not impossible, right?
5Then late rent payments, then a mysterious fire before the bank could repossess, ending with a hefty insurance payment. This was my franchise business model and nowI had my eye on
1"Come here," the Director told the actress, and patted his couch. "For your audition, I want you to improvise a scene that starts with 'he' and ends with 'ow'".
6A peanut was walking down a dark alley and comes across an elephant. I don't have enough space to get into the peanut's backstory, but it's a good one, trust me. The elephant
8How do I know you're not normal?Your appts.are in a date book, not your phone. You send Christmas cards, not holiday texts. You bus your own table at Taco Bell. You don't tailgate.
4"What kind of a question is that?" "I'm sorry," he said, "did I offend you?" "Is a pig's ass pork?" she replied. "What does that mean?" he asked. "Why don't you take a hike?" she
5tions with illustrations.But the peasant focus groups had no effect 'til the winter of 1600 when a peasant said "Maybe we should rethink Bruno and that whole cosmic pluralism thing
5forget what your mother always said: wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident. DON'T #10:
4grass, kick up dirt from mown down gopher hills & strafe the fence with stray rocks.So peaceful!Oh there's my neighbor waving and talking but I can't hear him over the riding mower
7The tailor cut in:“The dress IS black/blue not white/gold.”The Emperor called for his pipe, drum & fiddlers three.Prior to smoking, drumming & fiddling he asked them the dress colo
4said Neaderthalass."Woman no hunt" said Cro Magnon,"woman have baby, keep cave clean." "Woman no hunt" said Neaderthalass,"man be alone every night under sabretooth tiger blanket."
3Then we found out that for $19.99 we could buy pills from China that would recombine our DNA with whatever we chose from the included checklist. This would end our family curse!
5My neighbor below me pounded on his ceiling yelling at me to shut up, which knocked a speaker off the wall that fell on my foot. "Damn" I shouted again. My neighbor pounded harder
6ladies. Some ladybugs are gentlemen. But not all gentlemen ladybugs act like gentlemen. In the spring, many gentlemen ladybugs binge on mildew, gorge themselves on aphids
3on topic. I must write a fold that helps keep the story on track to the end. But even if I do, the next folder can choose the anarchy of free will and ignore the current story line
5the winds to die down so they could retrieve their victory flag.In the meantime, the biggest, fattest roaches surrounded the base of Ant Hill Mountain. Before long a lone ant scout