Finished Folds (181—200)
6stand when she forgot to put in her dentures. That had been happening a lot lately, so NBC considered ending her contract because of 'lack of representativeness'. Dr. Ruth had no
5approached. What he didn't know was that Chrissy had been attending Houdini's workshops. Fortunately, Snidley didn't hang around to see what the train had left of her. But Chrissy
1was recycling human waste. That's right, the stuff that goes down the toilet. You didn't expect that from a knock-out blonde, did you? She knew it would be the best fertilizer in
7pony and braided her manes. Then I decided I deserved a bigger pet, so I went to the pound and got a Great Dane. He was the size of a cow and had black and white spots to match.
2in mind for Johnny Depp and his entourage. After all, I was the most sought after event planner of the hotel. Now to find a queer little stripper club for Elton John; cause he like
1bad thing. After all, we'd wisely bet on more horses. So we decided that Albert E should be Clinton's running mate instead. They made a nicer couple anyway: a hot blonde and the
2on the deck of the whaler smoking his cigar, smiling pleasantly. 'We gotta turn back!' She yelled to her crew. 'He's right there!!' But Jack Sparrow shook his head: 'No sweetheart
5written a new hitsong which made every chart possible. He got so rich he was able to buy a Terminatorterminator 3000 DeLuxe. When the Terminator showed up, the Godfather of Funk
5"Whoa lady! That ain't nice, considering it just takes one snap of my fingers an' yer boys'll be histooory' Boss Hogg smiled sinisterly. Mama just reloaded her gun and pointed it
6that the process was irreversible. But hey, if Alice could grow back to her normal size without making an effort, so could I!. So I stepped into the booth and yelled: 'Shrink me do
5ur veins bulge up underneath your skin and those colourless eyes... You should consider a hair transplant and an irisfiller. I think green would be a pretty colour. Your hair shoul
4he was floating in a giant lake filled with Glenfiddich whisky. Ah, the smoothness, the smokeyness. Then he heard someone say:'This one ain't dead yet, he's still breathing! Should
8That meant having to walk around with two wings attached to the sides of my forehead and the redbull-can tattooed on my forehead. And if that wasn't enough, they decided to cash in
5put her bazooka to her shoulder. 'Well lady, that's a nifty little canon you got there', Phil told Sue. 'Don't you belittle me, gramps!' she shouted and aimed at his face. 'Now,
6that I shared a heart and a kidney with my twin brother. But he was definitely a different person. He had is own brain (the best one of the two I might add). So I was furious at th
3so she had an excellent chance to survive the Gulag if the cold was the only thing to beat. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Did she know how to catch game? No, since she was a vegetarian
3and thank goodness, the flood of water ended the whole hideous performance. Lots of people drowned, except for the bimbo's who stayed afloat with their silicone lips, tits, whateve
4Mickey Mouse. But then the witch took pity on him, hence the squirrel appearance. It did make it difficult to drive his cab however. I got rather tired of my own Polly wants a
2system and taken her over completely. She was doomed to be a vegetarian forever, unless...
3And so he reeled her over to the Sofa King while I grudgingly followed them there. 'Now you don't need the little pup for this transaction lady?' The Carpet King smiled, a little