Finished Folds (21—40)
2find a way to escape. Whatever device that was supposed to be clearly wasn't functioning correctly -- and I wasn't about to stick around and be turned into some Chinese medicine.
1she had already started calling the cops -- so I figured I might a swell strangle her. After strangling the hell out of her, I huffed a can of spraypaint and shot a cop.
3bent over the table, exposing her righteous coconut bangers, and seductively whispered "you're about to splatter your Cheerio's."
3exposed his rich clown-core of molten riboflavin, which he fingered like a pervert while telling me how much he'd like it if I smiled right now -- but I refused to smile.
1The boy mastered the art of dragon training, and used them in a ruthless ethnic cleansing campaign that would forever scar the minds and hearts of a world once completely cohesive.
3As I slowly chewed the human flesh between my teeth, I felt Steve's essence vibrating inside. Could it be that consuming Steve would grant me the total force of his knowledge?
2The wind told stories of people who could fit their whole arm inside someone's asshole. Everybody in the room clutched their head in both hands as blood erupted from their ears.
4Knowing we could not hope to win a battle against such a malevolent entity, we decided to willingly become slaves of the all powerful Baron of Beleaguerment -- B'chugerroth.
1But to summon B'chugerroth, a source of amazing power given as an offering of sacrifice is also needed. I knew I needed to find someone with an intolerably cheerful personality.
2and started -- that very day -- to fall into an open manhole. Eventually, Pudgy fell completely into the manhole .After falling into the manhole completely, Pudgy took a shit.
1He resigned to tear the snodgrass right out of Blake's skin -- and use it to build a posh grass hut in the countryside.
2to the place between this dimension and the next, where time and light simultaneously flee each other like ancient enemies.
4"I can't stop thinking about He Who Is Not Of Creation, The Hope-Slayer, Stalker Of The Black Void -- B'chugerroth."
3"Or maybe you're just looking for a power source great enough to teleport the physical incarnation of B'chugerroth -- directly into our ship."
2the burgeoning hero inside me -- but I knew I was just a coward. Content to avoid conflict at all costs, I poised myself for a chance to somehow escape.
4Manatee strength -- the strength to form a mating herd and indiscriminately join other males in the most glorious gang-bang party nature has to offer.
0"enduring this bullshit is like smashing the tip of my penis with a ball-peen hammer -- after I've nailed it to a piece of moldy particle-board."
2But she had already been eaten by him, several times -- and she _liked_ it. Too heavy for me to handle, I wept quietly under a not-quite-full moon.
1"Put the shit in the box or I'm gonna carve up your stuff"
2down. I licked my vanilla ice cream cone -- no toppings. My wife liked plain vanilla also, but the bitch wouldn't respect my love of animals so I had 'er put down.