Finished Folds (421—440)
1n astronaut or a bride. But secretly, the book club was just jealous that their living room wasn't littered floor to ceiling with Best of Show trophies. Fluffy licked herself when
2Goombas™. They were fried! Mario™ noticed that they looked remarkably like Chicken McNuggets™ and so he took a big bite. "Mamma Mia! They taste just like McNuggets™ too!"
1scripts into hands of screenwriters who would then polish them off. Guy went on to star in them and they sparkled at the box office. Guy's stunt double was suffering from diarrhea
8gnash their teeth because now they won't be able to one-up us. "You digging to China?" They teased at our progress. Little did they know, that we would have the last laugh.
1At least now they could save time going to the bathroom and just crap wherever they happened to be.
4de. BOOM! Godzilla's intestines were blown to smithereens and splashed into the Tokyo Sea. Batman washed his hands of the deed and went home to take a nap. Robin was there
2cigar and ponder the meaning of life. Arkansas was beginning to grow on me. I decided to check out the local entertainment so I jumped into my Corvette and sped off to find
3It was a dark and stormy night. "No, that's not right" thought Clive as he crumpled the paper and threw it across the room where it landed with other crumbled paper forming a giant
1"Don't call me blonde," she growled. He rubbed his sore head and apologized. "Anything you say, sweetheart. Just don't do that again!" She tossed her sexy hair over her shoulder
7at a different McDonald's. I mean, there was one on every corner in this town. They must have meant the one on the OTHER main street. Sheepishly, I put out my cigarette and
0Every time he spoke the letter P, a ginormous wad of nasty saliva skyrocketed across the room. Yup, he was doomed. Muhahaha! My work here is done.
5curse you with writer's block so that you will never be able to write another sentence ever again! You must overcome your lack of creativity and produce the most spectacular
4The response blew my mind. About one or two minutes later, comments flooded my facebook wall and several of my collegues and even Aunt Marsha de-friended me. Can't anyone take a
5bills paid. So that's why I found myself wearing underwear three sizes too small filled with dollar bills. I tripped on my mega high heels again and landed SMACK right on top of
3occupy my time. My thoghts, for some reason, turned to an old flame back in college. I couldn't even remember his name now but as I lay hostage in the trunk I recalled beautiful
6like this one time when a cute head-head began singing "The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music!" at the peak of euphoric climax. They got hitched in Las Vegas a week later and
5Dirk smashed Sissy's tea set and she began to cry. "Mooooom!" Their mother came into the bedroom and tsk tsked. "Children, you need to learn to solve your own problems." Then she
1was that you could type in whoever you wanted to be president! The funny thing is, none of the candidates won, and were not even close to the winner who just happened to be
7government gave them free oil changes. One particular human had had enough! The Bots were taking all the jobs and he himself was unemployeed as well. He started a campaign against
2One puff of the garblic dope and the vampire went balistic screaming. He morphed into a vampire bat and went straight for my jugular like a thirsty mosquito. "Oops! I guess