Finished Folds (41—60)
3guessed. The psychiatrist scribbled down a few notes, looking annoyed. I knew he was disappointed I hadn't taken the bait.
5There were a lot of angry calls to the news station that morning. Turns out partial nudity is a big no-no on public television- the audacity to wear clothes in public was
2daily raise in pay, leaving the peanuts behind to deal with an annoyed audience who wanted to hear the singing Peanut Butter and his back up singers.
6In order to sue God, the servant reckoned she would have to find Jesus first. Everyone she knew had mentioned finding that bloke, it couldn't be THAT hard to spot him.
2The cat looked at me and I looked at the cat, and the rain poured outside and the air conditioner hummed quietly in the background.
4remembered all the ballet forms she had neglected to practice over the years, and though her steps were hesitant at first, Clara found herself once more falling back into the
4My mother was a ballerina, and she was Going Places, but then I was born and she realized her true passion lay in making tiny origami statues.
3to the shops to purchase a vacuum cleaner, but they were all sold out. Our party debated heatedly for several moments on what we could do now, but it was Lord Fork who finallly
2horrifying to watch, and even more awful to smell, thousands of electrically burned sheep flesh and fried wool.
5sniff the scent of your underpants." Henry begged. So Henrietta kicked him in the face and ran off cackling about the stock market crash.
2ch happened to be a cross between male prostitution and telemarketing.
5and filled it with the cider, and drank deeply. A pleasant warmth spread throughout his body, and he fell into a very deep slumber.
5went on holiday in Wales for the weekend, and left everyone without a single story left to even crease the edges of. Those were strange times.
2Tiny crumbs to a human, but to a fish, it was life or death. Thus they prayed each night for another shower of food in the morning.
3I have so much homework and I don't want to do it.
3I'm not sure." Mom grounded me until I could change my brother back. It's been ten years, and he's still a horse. I haven't been able to leave the house since.
2ave this ability, because though my power would eventually turn me insane, at least for a brief window of time I would be able to do some good.
5fancy pinstripe suit, and the sight of Custer without any clothes on was so traumatic that the two sides immediately formed a peace treaty. And that's how America was invented.
3Once the Duke began to dance, everyone else started to join in the merriment. Lord Pancake brought cheers with his graceful twerking, and Lady MansirBob
5that, he went to live the rest of his life as J.D Salinger did after he became famous, which is alone in a cabin in the woods for the rest of his life.